Depends what you are after. Genuine Jubs can be had for reasonable prices but the are usually DJ models that take 1.8mm Spring bars. GMT designed jubilees with 2mm bars are much more and hard to find.
Riyi002 on eBay has decent aftermarket jubs for cheap but I think they are all 1.8mm so need modding for 2mm bars. Mymanmatt has nice aftermarket bracelets if you know him.
I have the recent cartel 1675 on jubilee like fcb1900. I also have a Riyi's rivet on a 1680, and a Riyi's jubilee awaiting the delivery of a 16710 next week. From memory, I think the stock cartel bracelet is thicker, heavier, and feels better than the Riyi's jubilee. I will get it out tonight and compare.
Note: the stock jubilee on the cartel 1675 will not go any larger than @8" wrist on that head. Sead has assured me that I can purchase a few links when I eat some spinach. [MENTION=79621]droptopman[/MENTION]- are the mymanmatt nicer than the Riyi's?