Enjoying these wonderful frankens before they're getting sold. Took so long time to build and source parts, very rare.
- ZZF v2 case
- new regulated VR3135
- ARF bezel
- Clean V3 insert (batch 3)
- ARF bracelet
- BP dial (with installed ZZF/clean indices)
- Gen crown
- Gen hands
- Gen DW
- Gen crystal
- Gen springbars
- Lightly polished rehaut
- ARF v2 base.
- Gen dial.
- Gen crystal.
- Gen dw.
- Gen tube gaskets.
- Gen crown.
- Gen clicksprings
- Swiss springbars
- Swiss 2824 movement.
- ARF v3 Shaved bezel
- ARF v3 insert modded with platinum insert mod by spongebob
- Lighly polished rehaut
- Rebrushed to gen-spec