Ahh, Zeal and Ardor. A Swiss metal band led by a black man. At first, you say so what?
The birth of the band is actually a sad story that turned into something awesome. Singer Manuel Gagneux gave an interview that's available on Youtube where he explained that he would ask for two music genres and then mash them up in a few minutes into songs and post them for review. People would rate the mashups and let him know what they thought. The twist is that he was doing this on the old 4chan dot org board.
Posters from 4chan found out he was a black man and decided to do the usual 4chan thing... for those familiar with the place. If you're not familiar, I'd suggest you stay away unless you go in "shields up" in terms of computer security. I digress...
If you know anything about 4chan back in the day, the posters told him to mash up "black metal" and "N_____ music" (yeah, that N word) or more accurately, African American slave chants. He took the challenge on rather than to take issue with their racism and created the sound that would become the staple of Zeal and Ardor.
He posted the clip and they were pretty amazed. The song below is one of their heavier ones, but many others incorporate chants and metal together, I've not heard any other band that does anything like this before and probably won't for a long time, if ever. He took people jabbing at his race, applied his musical talent and is now not only making a living from it, but probably out-earning those clowns. A sad story of racists who with their hate inspired a man to create a new sound never heard before to create some extremely amazing music. I only found out about this band a couple years ago and have really liked everything they've put out.