That poor pretender's undeclared tax money couldn't buy a gen Porsche sticker, otherwise he won't dwell in his 43 sq. m. apartment. A Matchbox Porsche perhaps if he skips his lunch for a couple of days.Yeah what's the latest on this? Or has he bought another Porsche with all his undeclared tax money?
Sir, I will semi proudly have you know that I fit into another category - neurodivergent male who is no longer young but is not yet firmly in old territory, quietly suckling upon the teat of steady enough employment, distracting myself from the spiralling chaos of the balance of existence by hyper focusing on the minutiae of my preferred jewellery items which so happen to tell the time.calling everybody else "broke ass basement dwellers" and talking about his priceless genuine watches, seven figure income, multiple corporate positions, luxury vehicles, etc.
I’ve lived in a few places, and my combination of being raised with a very odd family ethnicity context in another country, and working in situations of extreme physical violence occurring, and now needing to be a good corporate cog in the multinational wheel, means I don’t properly fit in in any culture. Such is life.The kind of crap that comes out of the mouth of this motherfucker makes the feeling come back again after the football games when I was 25 yrs young and looking for a fucking brawl.
Some people just WANT to get smacked.
Wish you all the bad things.
In Switerland we dont pet cows all day long, Every swiss man who made army duty (and you have to to this here...) has a automatic rifle at home.society as culturally conservative as Switzerland,
You are ruining my visions of coming off a small boat auf Genf See, zum Alpen gehen, to a scene in a meadow where I pet Freisen cows while the AD in his lederhosen shows me his latest Rolex offerings in the afternoon sun, and a similarly attired woman brings over a selection of Milka.In Switerland we dont pet cows all day long
You’ve also got very expensive McDonalds in der Schweiz - don’t let any of it get to you.cant answer properly with quoting and uploading picture. still the forum makes problems :/
Talking about salaries people did or didn’t earn was how this thread got as fun as it did… we need to be careful lest we discuss salaries three times and summon Old Son via Beetlejuice rules.Cause the salarys are big. Wheeewe
It was in a box of cracker jacks.....What watch are you flexing with your new Porsche. The matching jacket is a super bonus and did you get that free with the car.
PM'd with intent.It was in a box of cracker jacks.....
Where’s the hand on the steering wheel flexing the watch shot? You may well need to lay down across the trunk/boot and have someone else taken then pic for you. Perhaps you could reach in from the was everyone made whole in the end? You'll have to excuse me, I've been busy flexing my new Porsche this summer....