Watches and coffee
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 22/9/23 #941 Reactions: Hasslebank, fred and Ah0rsey
nunyabusiness Active Member Certified 16/9/21 270 643 93 Wokeville, USA 24/9/23 #942 Reactions: Hasslebank, C Master, fred and 1 other person
fred Respected Member Supporter Certified 17/4/07 4,548 10,915 113 Suisse 24/9/23 #943 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, Ah0rsey and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 25/9/23 #944 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, Ah0rsey and 1 other person
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,644 18,415 113 uk 26/9/23 #945 Reactions: Hasslebank and fred
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 26/9/23 #946 Reactions: Hasslebank, fred and Ah0rsey
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,644 18,415 113 uk 27/9/23 #947 Frothy Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, fred and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 27/9/23 #948 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, fred and 1 other person
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,644 18,415 113 uk 28/9/23 #949 Need another brew! Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, fred and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 29/9/23 #950 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, fred and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 29/9/23 #951 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank and fred
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,644 18,415 113 uk 29/9/23 #952 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, C Master and 1 other person
nunyabusiness Active Member Certified 16/9/21 270 643 93 Wokeville, USA 30/9/23 #953 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, C Master and 1 other person
fred Respected Member Supporter Certified 17/4/07 4,548 10,915 113 Suisse 30/9/23 #954 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank and C Master
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,644 18,415 113 uk 30/9/23 #955 Reactions: calamityjane, Hasslebank, C Master and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 30/9/23 #956 Reactions: fred, Ah0rsey and Hasslebank
Hasslebank DR. H4RDC@R3 T3RR@R Supporter Patron Certified 29/9/10 9,893 45,006 113 Archiregnum Hungaricum 30/9/23 #957 Reactions: tt88, C Master, nunyabusiness and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,489 130,343 113 Ireland 2/10/23 #958 Reactions: fred, Hasslebank and tt88
Ah0rsey 18 hands high, bushy mane. Patron Certified 9/8/22 3,644 18,415 113 uk 2/10/23 #959 No coffee today, flown to St tropez Last edited: 3/10/23 Reactions: calamityjane and tt88
tt88 ㊙️ Time does not wait ㊙️ Staff member Global Moderator Certified 15/9/12 12,512 6,779 113 Village, of course 3/10/23 #960 Reactions: calamityjane and Hasslebank