Helpful , thank you!Just a new color was introduced and the crown stripping issue has not improved
Helpful , thank you!Just a new color was introduced and the crown stripping issue has not improved
Yeah hurry man, I'm all over this
It might have been a misunderstanding, but I was told that VSF doesn't manufacture 39.5mm PO at the moment - which would explain why they didn't release the Summer Blue. Or they struggle to reproduce the dial effect, which is really cool on the gen.
They used to make it. You can find m2m. But I'm not sure about right now. Been asking for 7 months and everytime the answer is the sametoday a 39.5 VSF PO with a black dial came out in the sales section. :
Sold now but I had it in my rotation for a bit, fantastic rep. Remarkable how sometimes they just get them that good a 39.5 VSF PO with a black dial came out in the sales section. :