Voted for a great fellow member.
Hasslebank DR. H4RDC@R3 T3RR@R Supporter Patron Certified 29/9/10 9,634 43,141 113 Archiregnum Hungaricum 1/1/13 #81 Voted for a great fellow member.
N n3tph4t Active Member 3/12/12 487 46 0 2/1/13 #87 Voted - thanks to those on the list and best of luck to the voters!
M mavwong Do not accept unsolicited offers 16/9/12 13 0 0 3/1/13 #90 Voted, but how come ALE not in the vote list?????!!!
panermaniac Respected Member Supporter Advisor Certified 25/5/12 3,260 47 48 Canada, but in Hungary... for now 3/1/13 #94 Voted!
T the_don_robinson Active Member 20/4/12 325 6 18 3/1/13 #97 voted! Thanks for all your help chaps! Free beer on me if any of you are in or visiting London!