Ja Gut!
A alwayslate Active Member 7/5/08 471 2 18 23/4/09 #23 Mate! You asked for vintage finish, you didn't say anything about smell! LOL. End OT. Back to VDB's masterful worksmanship. The angelus movement....awwww....ahhhh.....creamed in my pants again.
Mate! You asked for vintage finish, you didn't say anything about smell! LOL. End OT. Back to VDB's masterful worksmanship. The angelus movement....awwww....ahhhh.....creamed in my pants again.
S slaughterer62 Mythical Poster DO NOT TRADE WITH ME 27/1/13 9,280 1,891 113 6/2/16 #26 Work of the highest order. Respect.