Shhhh, let's not get busted, we gonna get banned from the AP section :hehehe:
Let’s do 20. Just because it’s SHB
Ok then we should in fact go with 30 because he’s SHB and acted like he liked AP.
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But according to the penalty book, that has 40 on it.. So let's do 50 because he's SHB.
Whoops. I must've missed it. Let's make a call and agree to 100 with respect to the next update of the penalty book as well.Yes fair but if you look at the updated penalty book it says that if he OPENLY does it, it’s worth 60 lashes bro. So 60?
Whoops. I must've missed it. Let's make a call and agree to 100 with respect to the next update of the penalty book as well.
The jarno is one of the classic ROOs despite being a limited edition IMHO. Color matches with everything and it has batons instead of the usual numbered dial markers which makes it a lot more classy to me. Good choice actually!
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I'd like to put my hands on one of theses despite the heavy list of flaws this particular model have.
Currently (since yesterday) browsing the very 1st version of this thread back in 2013, it's great to see some old models, rare birds, and even rarer.. QueTip posting some of his APs.
Aha! Busted.
Brand disloyalty is a very serious offence SHB. Pam_boy is obviously a... well Pam
Boy but you’re a known AP guy.
I think 10 lashes of the whip will suffice in this case as the first offence? Lol
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Come on don't be so hard on him, he did it out of sheer enthusiasm!
Maybe wearing an AP for a day should be enough punishment
And as always ... Dē gustibus nōn est disputandum!
So, to all you AP lovers let's enjoy our watches!:drinks_cheers:
I am not a Pam guy but is that a 187? Nice one. You are welcome to post your pams here as long as they "look nice" (and yes that is pretty subjective lol)
Welcome to the AP section!