Ema79 Getting To Know The Place 25/12/18 98 5 8 1/12/23 #1,363 could you send this to Italy? 161 vsf 41mm black bezel sub 126610ln, vs3235, 529 usd shipped Thanks
Chronologist Chronologist Germany 1/12/23 2 0 1 Germany 1/12/23 #1,364 hi Sead! i send you an e-mail greetings Dan
Minome Active Member Certified 19/3/23 328 233 43 United Kingdom 1/12/23 #1,366 Mail sent for 153 clean gmt rosegold brown/black bezel dd3285 movement, 649 usd shipped Thank you!
Ema79 Getting To Know The Place 25/12/18 98 5 8 3/12/23 #1,369 Is it my impression or is the Italian warehouse no longer assorted and updated? Will it run out of stock and then no longer be available?
Is it my impression or is the Italian warehouse no longer assorted and updated? Will it run out of stock and then no longer be available?
A antmcfadden Do not accept unsolicited offers 2/12/23 8 0 1 5/12/23 #1,370 Sent you a email. Thank you
A antmcfadden Do not accept unsolicited offers 2/12/23 8 0 1 5/12/23 #1,371 Sent you a email. Thank you
A antmcfadden Do not accept unsolicited offers 2/12/23 8 0 1 5/12/23 #1,372 Sent you a email. Thank you
Ema79 Getting To Know The Place 25/12/18 98 5 8 5/12/23 #1,374 Sent you e-mail for 172 vsf sub 41mm 126610ln black bezel vs3235, 529 usd shipped
Ema79 Getting To Know The Place 25/12/18 98 5 8 8/12/23 #1,375 Ema79 said: Sent you e-mail for 172 vsf sub 41mm 126610ln black bezel vs3235, 529 usd shipped Click to expand... ok payment sent!
Ema79 said: Sent you e-mail for 172 vsf sub 41mm 126610ln black bezel vs3235, 529 usd shipped Click to expand... ok payment sent!
Ema79 Getting To Know The Place 25/12/18 98 5 8 9/12/23 #1,376 Hi Sead As agreed I wrote you an email and sent the payment for the: 53i vsf sub 126610ln 41mm black bezel vs3235, 529 shipped
Hi Sead As agreed I wrote you an email and sent the payment for the: 53i vsf sub 126610ln 41mm black bezel vs3235, 529 shipped
J JSL121 Active Member Patron Certified 1/12/23 464 184 43 10/12/23 #1,378 How do you see the updated list?
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,708 22,021 113 Down Under 10/12/23 #1,379 @JSL121 check the first page of this thread
J JSL121 Active Member Patron Certified 1/12/23 464 184 43 10/12/23 #1,380 Thanks @DiggerOfWatches! I didn't know the OP could go back and edit the list from that far back. Duh! Now I know. Makes sense. Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
Thanks @DiggerOfWatches! I didn't know the OP could go back and edit the list from that far back. Duh! Now I know. Makes sense.