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- 5/5/17
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@Mikey101 They don't have a website and they take an order by the IM and they not stocking too. The goods came from China to Vietnam then Cambodia and to Thailand trough borders. There is a big market there where the dealers stocking, the sellers just take an order and pass to the dealers. Dealers ship directly to customers. That's why they don't have a watches and have a limited pictures of it mostly they advertised using gen pics.
Yesterday the watches start to arrived in customer's hand but sadly they just post the confirmation pics that they get it already not the full multi-angles review. I have understand that they just love the looking of it but not the watches enthusiast.
p.s. although a lot of things look different from gen but I have to admitted. this is a good looking watch especially on the steel bracelet. I already seen gen but the AD wrap it with the plastics sheet so I can not see how it reflect the light.
View attachment 92018
View attachment 92019
Do you know how I could get in touch with them? I want this one bad
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