Yes, look course and uneven and can see where it starts and stops on the links.
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This also works great for me
Medium finnish. It's soft enough so it can reach between links.
Go in circular motion but keep it straight with the buffing wheel and move whatever you brushing up or down to continue brushing lines. Don't know how to explain it better but this is foolproof method
Thanks mr oascom !
I looked at all your work and it's amazing ! You really have a great talent!
that reinforces my idea that you really have to master the different techniques to get the right results...
I bought the bufflex fb6...but can't manage to have correct results with...
what rotation speed do you recommend?
Hard to say I just go and check after every pass. Go from bottom up and top to bottom I mean after you complete going one direction turn it around and do another pass. This way it stays uniform and you hit all spots .
Also please remember to prepare your wheels before you use them. For example this buffflex I had to run it high speed and cut all lose fibers with scissors to make it nice and square.
Theres a lot of good advice in this thread if you read back through it. I posted a whole guide with pictures and a tool list, just follow the link on page 1 or 2.This is my first try at re brushing a bracelet. Looked like a fully brushed on so i used just scotch brite green pad. Then a quick cape cod run-over. Have ordered sand papers and a dremel tool too. Any guidance for improvement will be highly appreciated.
Theres a lot of good advice in this thread if you read back through it. I posted a whole guide with pictures and a tool list, just follow the link on page 1 or 2.
Theres a lot of good advice in this thread if you read back through it. I posted a whole guide with pictures and a tool list, just follow the link on page 1 or 2.