Slightly laughable how you bumped up the ZF scores a few times (compared to the blind scoring), but great comparative review nevertheless, thanks for doing it.
MANY THANKS ANGUS! Really appreciated your in-depht tests and review.. finally I am ready to pull the trigger !!!My respect.
Nice review, looks like ZF's just went on special too.
$100 cheaper! Glad to see market forces working. I hope they learn not to be so greedy next time.
puretime thank you so much for this excellent in-depth review!
please come up with a similar review for the 116610 LN and 114060!
hope next time, less emphasis would be given to things such as lug engravings and greater weight could be given to things which are a bigger tell on the wrist, such as dial colour, crown guards, crown on clasp, etc
puretime Thanks for the efforts, never though ZF shall fare better than a ZZF V3 but guessed VSF shall be the ultimate winner as I had bought all the versions in the review apart from ZF.
It is bit disappointing to see ZZF claiming themselves as 904L and even releasing a junior version and claiming to be 904L instead of 316L. I am letting my ZZF go as soon as possible. Do you see VSF coming up with a V2 anytime soon?