Hi all, i dabbled in buying replicas about 10 years ago, had a couple of decent ones that have only just given up the ghost, majority died in the first 6 months so started saving and bought genuine, nothing too expensive, one omega, one Breitling and a couple of Oris. Thing is i really fancy a Rolex but just cant bring myself to pay the price of a new small car for a watch. I've heard that replicas have come on leaps and bounds over the last few yers so have started looking on replica sites. Ive joined and looked on this forum and taken advice on a couple of reputable suppiers, Chazing time and Puretime. The advice im after is after looking on these sites, they seem to have the same models but totally different prices, ive reserched and common consensus is that Noob seem to be one of the best but prices that seem to be advertised as the same models, seem to vary from $240 up to $540? Some even with the same movements? On movements, i would say historically, ETA over Asian what do you guys think. And final question, if I'm thinking of laying out over $300 for a replica, if im lucky and get a half decent one, whats the life expectancy of a high end Noob at $300 plus and is it worth buying the dearest one or are the $330 ones good enough???? Thanks in advance for any advice given. Daz