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The Second Amendment...

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Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
Yes, I didn't know this was a closed forum for true believers only. Other opinions not welcome.

I'm done here also. I apologize to any who may be offended other than on member I won't mention. Far as I'm concerned, he can stick his holier than thou attitude where the sun don't shine.

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Renowned Member
All I will say is hindsight is 20/20. Lets hope there is never a day that you or I have to look back and say I wish I would have had a semi-automatic rifle, or "if only". The sweeping generalizations about people with conservative alignments are distasteful and outright false. I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I'm what many people would consider a Libertarian if they honestly understood what Libertarians are.. Scoff at the label if you will, but the fact remains that liberals are very similar to libertarians. They want freedom and liberty and equal treatment, but one of them wants the government to legislate freedoms while the other thinks the whole idea of "legislating freedom" is bogus. One of them is a lot less tolerant of others but while expecting others to be tolerant of their wishes or lifestyle choices.

I own guns, I support gun ownership and I have yet to hear a valid argument in favor of an outright ban that holds up against statistical or logical analysis. Do I think the government wants to take away our guns? I'm not really sure, I think they want to limit our choices. In some cases I think limitation is perfectly acceptable, ie. fully automatic rifles and handguns should require rigorous licensing and should not be easily accessible to anyone. In other cases ie. semi auto rifles AR-15, AKs, SCAR, SKS are no different than a semi-auto hunting rifle outside of the looks. The capacities can be equal, the firing rates are equal and the functions are essentially exactly the same. The difference is the aesthetic. A Ruger Mini-14 is a common rancher's rifle but it can look like a "tactical rifle" or a good old wood stock small magazine groundhog killer. Some people use the AR-15 to hunt small and medium sized game in states where it is legal to do so as well. Starting to stay a bit here.

Bottom line is, we're all being played by the government and media. Issues like gun control, gay marriage and abortion are hotbeds for civil unrest and partisan politics. It splits the people down the middle and weakens the power of the people. This is what the government wants. Recent university studies have confirmed that we don't have a real democracy in the states. We work as an oligarchy where the common man has very little influence over legislation or decision making at the federal level. We are given the illusion we do, but in actuality the decisions are made with money and corporate interests.


Renowned Member
Owning semi-automatic rifles is not always about combating a tyrannical government. How about in the event that civil unrest turns to rioting and looters. Your family is trapped in a house and you have 10 grown men forcefully trying to enter your home. This is a highly hypothetical situation, but if it did happen.. Would you be satisfied with a single shot rifle or a handgun?

Electric, had those veterans brought guns it would have been far worse.. But they didn't and it was probably in good conscience that they didn't. With gun ownership comes responsibility, and fortunately the vast majority of gun owners are responsible, law abiding, citizens. I don't think anyone is waiting for an uprising, I think most people hope it doesn't ever come to that and they don't want that to happen. There is nothing wrong with being prepared for any possible scenario, whether it be looters, rogue government or any other threat. I'd rather be the guy who was wrong in being prepared and never need a gun, than be the guy who would love to see them restricted but finds himself in a situation where he needs one.


Supporter and Senior Purveyor of YouTube News
San Marino, California
Z3BR4, very well said. But nothing really matters to gun-hating folks anyhow. To them its just bad bad bad. We will always be the bad guys. Owning a firearm to them is a ticket to baddam. And as you can see on the above nasty posts, some folks just like to go around on a bashing spree. They get into the door, kick ass, call everyone a nutcase, insult and spit. And they like to piss to. And then they leave saying, oops, I didn't see the rules ! Duh ! Then to their own amazement, they blurt out, "excuse me, I am out of here." Yup, just like that! Hah ! Now off they go into the sunset farting invectives! I guess those tours really drove them nuts somehow ! Lucky the MP's didn't drag them out and shipped them back !! Wonder what this guys smoke before they start this shit again ! Some nasty stuff, I guess ................. Geez, lets have a drink Z3BR4, gotta be vigilant, they are all over !! God bless their souls.


Respected Member
Look Tiny, you posted a link to the rules that said in this section you are not allowed to question the wingnuts.

You threatened us with the consequences of violating those rules so your intellectual superiors would stop picking on you.

On Tapatalk there is no way to easily see these rules. Once aware the sane people, those not calling drafted Vets cowards, said they were dropping off, as the rules state.


Mythical Poster
One final post here since you are egging this on. First I own quite a few guns and use them responsibly. Locked up when not in use and when in use they are used for hunting as they were meant to be. I lease property in Georgia and have also done so in Florida for deer and turkey hunting. I have no objections at all to owning and respecting guns and gun owners.

And second, after that last post I just got one thing to say to you. Go **** yourself, imbecile.


Renowned Member
You guys came out swinging, he's allowed to swing back. You aren't gonna agree on it, and you aren't gonna change anyone's mind. You really won't win over anyone's opinion throwing around overused political generalizations and 3rd grade insults. If you wanna debate a point, at least bring something to the table. You guys can pat eachother on the back and practice your reach around techniques somewhere else.

If you're up for some civil debate, I'm here all day. It's easy to have an opinion without anything backing it.. but an opinion like that isn't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on.


Respected Member
Useless? My ass.


Renowned Member
No one said they were useless. Lol

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Legendary Member
Thread closed.

I wonder how long until another one of these pops up..
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