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The Asian Truth about Replicas..... Part 2


Watch Nerd
Re: The Asian Truth about Replicas

wow! what drama here, I waited very long to post here and what I want to say has been said already by the moderators.

I do not want to agitate the membership here( remember this is the flame free zone?)

I agree with the OP that 7750 are really not that reliable movements.
The reason: I have 5 to 6 7750 reps and I had one that is damaged because I playe with the chronos too much. My point is , on which good movement you tell people :"don't play with the chornos? :)

However I never had any problems with my ball geniune, which is based on a ETA 7750 movement, I can play with it the whole day long, and nothing happens to it.

If you guys want further info on 7750, one of the dealers told me there are two factories selling the movements with highbeat and the other one sells the low beat version, believe me when I say that there is a difference between the movements made by these two factories...



Respected Member
i read about 5 pages of this and 5 pages of the other thread, but i had to stop when i just kept seeing the same comments over and over.

i was actually trying to comment on his first thread but it was locked. anyways, it seems like people have mixed reactions about his opinions on reps but i am sure he has finally read up on some material here and knows how informed we are as well. i think he just wanted to add his knowledge that he has gained from "personal experience" which i think any member should be encouraged to do.

it wont hurt to hear what he has to say. if he in fact has connections and possible information than i personally would like to hear it. if hes promising pics to share and all that good stuff than bring it on. theres very knowledgable people here and will call bs when they see it.

we have nothing to lose and he has everything to lose.

i came late in the game, but welcome to rwi.


Getting To Know The Place
To everyone that maintains to be an authority of the replica world that has at got off by attacking my posts I say this :-

There is no doubt that there are many people that know massive amounts about replicas. Here there are a fair number I DO NOT DOUBT THIS and life is about opinions that I clearly have invoked.

But how many have access to thousands of watches when they want ? Where they can open and assess the watch as a product . I am sure it does not apply to many. EVEN re sellers only have what they have ordered and mostly from one factory. End users are only concerned with what they have bought and can only report on what they own. Even if its multiples its not thousands.

Guys I am not hear to teach you a thing , but I do know more than most if only due to my engineering qualifications, even so I have gained from the posts I have made, and I have done this because NO ONE STOPS LEARNING .. If there is nothing new then so be it ,but if just one point is new it has been worth it to someone.

If you know it all fine ( stick your head in the sand and read nothing ) , but I for one never stop learning and that in my mind is what life is about .I have learned from some of the replies of my posts and in that regard I have gained from my posts . That is after all what I wanted to do, so thanks guys you helped me.

This business has moving goal posts and I for one will never stop getting better at knowing what it has to offer .

I DON'T KNOW IT ALL but I do know nor does a single one of you.

I will post pics at the weekend on my findings of the Asian 7750 to back up what I have said so far.

Once again .. Thanks guys it only takes an open mind, I am grateful I have got one


I'm Pretty Popular
Re: The Asian Truth about Replicas

alvinado said:
.... I can play with it the whole day long, and nothing happens to it.

I'm not a doc,
but I have heard that taking the blue pill (not the red one) can help


*Warning an erection lasting longer then 4 hours will get you a lot of props from the ladies*


Mythical Poster
Re: The Asian Truth about Replicas

seventhexile said:
*Warning an erection lasting longer then 4 hours will get you a lot of props from the ladies*

Aren't you leaving out props from seanf?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that if you've already had an erection lasting longer than four hours, you don't need any other propping up.


I want to see pics of the OP's collection... It must be incredible!
I would be selling myself on the street corner outside the rep markets. Make the money, then spend it on watches. I should be able to afford at least one watch per month that way!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Re: The Asian Truth about Replicas

ahw676 said:
seventhexile said:
*Warning an erection lasting longer then 4 hours will get you a lot of props from the ladies*

Aren't you leaving out props from seanf?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that if you've already had an erection lasting longer than four hours, you don't need any other propping up.

Words of wisdom on the propped up erection. Friction burns leading to a couple days in
the 'Special Wood Unit' floor of the hospital also should be considered.


Getting To Know The Place
Flame free eh? okay. Both ways? I hope so.

You asked for questions and have several. One was asking why the factories were, in your words, scary.
Another was a member in China asking which part of the country you were in.
Another asked how you were afforded access to the "factories".

To ASK members to supply questions and then ignore them, is at best mischievous and at worst, somewhat rude.

Aside from that, welcome to the forum. I regret forming a hasty judgment of your offerings. You are becoming more and more fascinating by the post.


Getting To Know The Place

Since this has huge interest I will answer the questions asked. I was not ignoring them I just had too many to read/answer

1: I live in Asia, I do business in Asia, I deal with many people in Asia, my contacts are Asian . I have lived here for 7 years .This means I know people that make money from the replica market , this in turn means I have been to China and have been to 2 factories that made very very good replicas. They are scary for a few reasons .

1 They are very very basic, and really only assemble the watches from parts obtained from several sources they normally make other watch related products that they sell with brand names in different countries. ( watch straps ,bracelets , cases, or others ) They do not even set the watches for timekeeping and rely on the movement makers doing this. This of course does not apply to all but it does to ones I saw.

2: They do not work like any of us would imagine. They are typical sweatshops. ( the ones I saw )

I will not enlarge as to why I was allowed to go to these factories, but I will say nothing is done in Asia without a financial reason for the people involved. I was looking at making some watches and branding them ( without the trade mark name ) as it had dawned on me that if they can make a quality replica surely they can make an original. I originate from manufacturing ( not watches ) so I was looking at marketing such a product. A few years ago that is.

My contact in this case is a very good friend in Hong Kong, I asked for the opportunity to visit a few factories and I obviously I had some trust and was allowed to do so . My knowledge of where the factories are, ends in China. I can however say not a long way from the new territories of Hong Kong.

This whole business intrigues me so as an engineer , I love to know how it ticks. I am fortunate enough to be able to spend time and money on finding out , so I have done just that .

To those that inquire about my personal collection. It is quite small but that is mainly due to the fact I don't have to buy them to study them as I am very close to a local re seller. I can borrow a few study them and return any I wish to look at . I have retained a few that I also have the originals of and I have worn them with very good results of wear and longevity.
I have recently become even more interested in the market as in the last 12 months standards have gone up to quite a large degree . Which leads me to further question the value of the original item .

Not a bad place to be that's for sure and I hope this answers your questions .


Renowned Member

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight in the world of replicas.

Its always interesting and exciting to read about this as I myself have little to no knowledge of the way things are handled in china.

Please, keep sharing your knowledge with us!

Best regards


Known Member
UKASIA said:
I have recently become even more interested in the market as in the last 12 months standards have gone up to quite a large degree . Which leads me to further question the value of the original item .

I agree with UKASIA 110% on this.
I must say that I'm not even sure that the AD sell only GENs.
I recently saw a Corum in a AD (I couldn't ask the dealer to open it up for me) and the dealer offered me a 40% discount... I was in a national airport, so no tax free watch or things like that.
This doesn't sound so good to me. 40%??? That's way to much
I'm pretty sure he was trying to sell me the copy
And this is to back up what UKASIA said about the quality of the last replicas that hit the market


Getting To Know The Place
miketorbaz said:
UKASIA said:
I have recently become even more interested in the market as in the last 12 months standards have gone up to quite a large degree . Which leads me to further question the value of the original item .

I agree with UKASIA 110% on this.
I must say that I'm not even sure that the AD sell only GENs.
I recently saw a Corum in a AD (I couldn't ask the dealer to open it up for me) and the dealer offered me a 40% discount... I was in a national airport, so no tax free watch or things like that.

Unless is was the national airport of Burkina Faso or similar, I think it is unlikely that ADs are selling replicas. :D


Mythical Poster
UKASIA said:
To those that inquire about my personal collection. It is quite small but that is mainly due to the fact I don't have to buy them to study them as I am very close to a local re seller. I can borrow a few study them and return any I wish to look at . I have retained a few that I also have the originals of and I have worn them with very good results of wear and longevity.

I can certainly believe that. Whenever I'm in Asia (a few times a year) I buy a bunch of watches, take them back to the hotel, inspect them and test them, and then return the ones I don't want the day after for an exchange. It's great that most sellers don't mind that at all, considering I'm no one special to them. I always do ask first, though, and the challenge is to remember the specific guys you dealt with. Some are even happy to take you to their hiding places (fake walls, hidden enclosures, etc) where they keep some of their good stock. It's a surreal world.


I'm Pretty Popular
rooster133 said:
Some are even happy to take you to their hiding places (fake walls, hidden enclosures, etc) where they keep some of their good stock. It's a surreal world.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member


Mythical Poster
trailboss99 said:
You lot may want to have a read of this for a recent GZ experiance by one of us: http://www.replica-watch-guide.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2290


Very cool post!!! Really enjoyed that read. And sounds very familiar indeed. We should organise a group trip to GZ and have Ruby as a tour guide! ;)

Once on Petaling Street in KL I saw a few cops turn up, and within seconds watches and DVDs disappeared, stalls were converted, stuff just vanished or appeared at what looked like the push of a button. It was mesmerising. And that's when they take you "behind the scenes" to continue doing business... One guy took me back to a room and started unscrewing a wall, which revealed a concealed storage room with a dude back there having a nap over a ridiculous stash of reps. :shock:

Other times cops were just strolling around and people couldn't care less. Everyone seemed to know when to worry and when not to.


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
rooster133 said:
trailboss99 said:
You lot may want to have a read of this for a recent GZ experiance by one of us: http://www.replica-watch-guide.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2290


Very cool post!!! Really enjoyed that read. And sounds very familiar indeed. We should organise a group trip to GZ and have Ruby as a tour guide! ;)

Once on Petaling Street in KL I saw a few cops turn up, and within seconds watches and DVDs disappeared, stalls were converted, stuff just vanished or appeared at what looked like the push of a button. It was mesmerising. And that's when they take you "behind the scenes" to continue doing business... One guy took me back to a room and started unscrewing a wall, which revealed a concealed storage room with a dude back there having a nap over a ridiculous stash of reps. :shock:

Other times cops were just strolling around and people couldn't care less. Everyone seemed to know when to worry and when not to.

That was actualy Mary, our newest dealer at RWG1.1 Little dynamo that gal by all acounts.Realy gets stuck into the sellers if she thinks there having a go. Proving a good dealer too. Have a look at her section (watch international), she has posted some interesting stuff.



I'm Pretty Popular
Read your last couple posts with interest.
Thanks, UKAsia.


Legendary Member
I eagerly await your pictures and more commentary. The fact that you have posted about how the "factory" runs is nothing new but an interesting insight if you have more pictures nonetheless. I would put it more like an assembly line.