The Raffles cases are very good, but they do benefit from reshaping. Generally speaking, to my eye, the vintage cases offered tend to run a bit "thick" compared to gen cases. This might be by design, since gen cases had small variations from model to model, year to year, and since it's easier to remove metal than add it, it makes sense. I think there's a photo higher in the thread showing gen and Raffles cases side by side.
EDIT: This is the photo. The two cases on the left are gen 5500/1002 cases. The one on the right is a Raffles case unmodified.
You can see that even the gen cases have a little variation (although some may be due to wear/polishing over the years). The case in the center has the thinnest lugs, the Raffles on the right is the thickest, and the one on the left is in-between. The insides of the cases contain precise pieces...the outsides are a lot more open to variations.