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Not in the stable any longer and I now regret selling this watch twice.
Damm! Which one is this (factory)? Nice shots man, good quality though
Cheers! The base watch for this Franken was JF. The bezel is from Startime - 18k solid gold.
See more pics and info here: https://forum.replica-watch.info/forum/rolex-tudor-replicas/9108318-a-fistful-of-5-digit-frankensubs
I would like to buy a 16618, BP, does anyone have any photos to post? My biggest problem is the date window, does gold hold up well? I thought I'd match the head with a leather bracelet
Mine is an OOTB recent arrival from Nemboscorner over at repgeek. It has the ETA date window position.
Can't go wrong for $200.
Hi EE what lume did you use for this job? Looks great.