Yes, i can confirm SS is the worst on my lathe. I remove max. 0.1mm each step.
Me too.
Years ago, I had a piece of 316 seamless steam pipe cut into small sections to make bezels. A guy at a local factory got the pipe, it was a common factory item and he cut the pipe into smaller sections free of charge.
The problem was my Sherline lathe is small and it was slooow going to cut them to size.
So...I called Time Out! on that and bought a few $15 StarTime smooth DJ bezels and cut them to fit 25-22 crystals etc.
ST has DJ and OPD sizes of smooth stainless bezels.
Never got around to cutting the relief on the back side of a genuine or aftmkt case to mimic a 1016 case. Jumping the open space between the lugs with a cutting bit would be a problem.
Thought about cutting a shallow groove in the case with a knife edge Cratex abrasive disc etc. while spinning the case in a lathe but never tried it. It has been so long (1995?) since I saw a genuine 1016 case that I can't remember how deep the relief is or exactly how the back of the cases are made.
Look at a pic of the back side of a 1016 on a strap or a timehead (no strap/bct) to see the relief.