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Texas Folds Under Pressure?


Respected Member
The only way to stop a bad guy with a bomb is with a good guy with a bomb.


Respected Member
Texas has the 3rd largest economy of all states and will soon pass California.

Per capita the largest welfare expenditures are in the enlightened states like Michigan, California, etc. and the vast majority of welfare dollars here in Texas go to you Liberals' favorite future voting block: undocumented visiting aliens, or as we call them, illegal aliens.

Next bigoted ignorant criticism?

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Almost all Northern states contribute disproportionately more in taxes and most southern states take disproportionately more in federal spending. The giant sucking sound is the liberal wallets being cleaned out by the southern welfare states.

Most rich liberal states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey and California get the least back for what they put in to the federal coffers and poor hillbilly states like Mississippi and Wyoming, WV, LA... that live to complain about federal oppression in the form of taxes take the most for what they pay in.

A flat tax would destroy the confederacy. Only reason this liberal is for it.


I'm Pretty Popular
Almost all Northern states contribute disproportionately more in taxes and most southern states take disproportionately more in federal spending. The giant sucking sound is the liberal wallets being cleaned out by the southern welfare states.

Most rich liberal states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey and California get the least back for what they put in to the federal coffers and poor hillbilly states like Mississippi and Wyoming, WV, LA... that live to complain about federal oppression in the form of taxes take the most for what they pay in.

A flat tax would destroy the confederacy. Only reason this liberal is for it.

While your criticisms aren't completely off base, it's worth pointing out that Texas is not one of those states that's "in the red." Also, as someone who considers themselves left of center (used to consider myself liberal, but labels have become far too loaded these days) and a Texan, your comments are pretty damn offensive, and not terribly well thought out. You believe in helping poor people, just not poor, rural white people because you find some cultural or political trends distasteful?

The urban coasts and rural flyover country both need each other, more than either side cares to admit. I've lived in rural Texas, and I've lived in a big East Coast metropolis, each have their flaws in terms of governance and policy, each have their strong points.

So don't be a dick.


Mythical Poster
You do realize these welfare programs are mostly liberal programs. Southern states do not vote for liberals for that reason. Like the post above mine said, these problems are our(nations's) problems not just problems of one specific region. Our government is making this and future generations weaker by providing them with no good reason to accept those low paying jobs. People have it in their mind that it is easy to just collect food stamps, unemployment and disability instead of flipping burgers.

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Respected Member
While your criticisms aren't completely off base, it's worth pointing out that Texas is not one of those states that's "in the red." Also, as someone who considers themselves left of center (used to consider myself liberal, but labels have become far too loaded these days) and a Texan, your comments are pretty damn offensive, and not terribly well thought out. You believe in helping poor people, just not poor, rural white people because you find some cultural or political trends distasteful?

The urban coasts and rural flyover country both need each other, more than either side cares to admit. I've lived in rural Texas, and I've lived in a big East Coast metropolis, each have their flaws in terms of governance and policy, each have their strong points.

So don't be a dick.

My wife is from Kentucky. Her town is poor and white and has a very high percentage of people on some type of state or federal program, yet they overwhelmingly voted for Ran Paul and Romney. If you point out that the new park in the center of town that they are so proud of was built with federal and state "socialist" funds, you could get yourself shot.

I am fine with giving people a reasonable and temporary helping hand regardless of their location or ethnicity, I am not a bleeding heart liberal, I just hate the hypocrisy of red states like Alaska that take their mouth of the federal teat only long enough to complain about being treaded on.

Welfare is a great society concept, but what about farm subsidies and military weapons programs that are assembled in 40+ states so that they can not be cut. It makes people feel better to complain about items that represent 1 or 2 percent of spending like Medicaid and foreign aid while ignoring the easily eliminated programs.

I will stop being a dick now.


Respected Member
You do realize these welfare programs are mostly liberal programs. Southern states do not vote for liberals for that reason. Like the post above mine said, these problems are our(nations's) problems not just problems of one specific region. Our government is making this and future generations weaker by providing them with no good reason to accept those low paying jobs. People have it in their mind that it is easy to just collect food stamps, unemployment and disability instead of flipping burgers.

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Unemployment is earned. You have unemployment insurance deducted from your paycheck and can only collect if for a limited time after having worked. It is also calculated based on your income while employed. When the economy was bad and the expectation was that people looking for work would need more time to find it, it was extended, as it should have been.





Snow Monkey Ambassador

Funny joke. Dont ever stop making these posts. I laughed when I scrolled down to see the state covered as a big dot.

Everyone else,

We talk about watches here. Thats what makes us a community. That other stuff is what divides us. Why worry about that makes us different? I like you guys because I know there are other people that have a huge problem with a watch addiction. I want to be sheltered from that other crap that I can see on any other website all day.

Here, I just want fair and balanced coverage of watches.

Phil G

Respected Member
Stevenage, Hertfortshire, England
Phil G, see what you started :spank:

d'oh............what did I start?


Funny joke. Dont ever stop making these posts. I laughed when I scrolled down to see the state covered as a big dot.

Everyone else,

We talk about watches here. Thats what makes us a community. That other stuff is what divides us. Why worry about that makes us different? I like you guys because I know there are other people that have a huge problem with a watch addiction. I want to be sheltered from that other crap that I can see on any other website all day.

Here, I just want fair and balanced coverage of watches.

Well spoken that man. Let's not make these other issues divide us.

Agree to disagree. :D:


Respected Member

Funny joke. Dont ever stop making these posts. I laughed when I scrolled down to see the state covered as a big dot.

Everyone else,

We talk about watches here. Thats what makes us a community. That other stuff is what divides us. Why worry about that makes us different? I like you guys because I know there are other people that have a huge problem with a watch addiction. I want to be sheltered from that other crap that I can see on any other website all day.

Here, I just want fair and balanced coverage of watches.

So this joke was about watches? I guess I didn't get it. :rolleyes:


Mythical Poster
Agreed. I am here for watches. If I wanted to participate and read other sameoldbullshit I would be on those stupid news feeders. Sorry about my post above. I guess I was defending south. Lol. I don't need to defend south on watch forum. How dumb of me. Lets enjoy watches. There are lots of great people here.

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