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TC - When Enough is Enough


Active Member
I get it that TC only makes and sells his watches as a hobby. I realize that it's his way or the highway and that everything is clearly spelled out on his blog and if you don't want to play by his rules you shouldn't even email him. He is not held to the same standards as any other dealer/seller/member and has something approaching deity status within the rep community. I get that.

But... At some point shouldn't there be some minimum standard that can be expected from everyone buying or selling stuff, even TC?

I paid for my TV V6 on March 24. I knew that there would be a 6+ week wait and was fine with that. I received it around may 16 but there was an immediate problem with the movement. There have been several reports here and on other forums where the rotor "unwinds" the watch. I've been told that it's a bad reversing wheel. I know that movement problems are not uncommon on replica movements so I didn't think this would be a big deal. I exchanged a couple of emails and TC asked me to send it to a neighbor of his who repairs watches for him (I'll keep his name out of it since I do not know him). He even said he would leave a new movement with this neighbor because he was going to be out of town for a couple of weeks. I shipped it on May 21 and know it was received.

Now, nearly 8 weeks later I have not heard a peep from TC or his neighbor (whom I do not have contact info for), not a confirmation that he got it. Nothing. I send a polite email every couple of weeks asking for an update but get no reply. I've even sent them from different email addresses to make sure it's not being caught in a spam filter, but it doesn't help.

I do not think I am being unreasonable nor am I pestering him like many people do with other dealers, in fact I've gone way out of my way to be courteous and professional in an attempt to stay off of the "bad list".

Clearly I should have done some homework on how long repairs may take but if I had had ANY idea that it would take this long I would have had it fixed elsewhere. At this point Is be happy to just get it back as-is since I have no clue how many more months I may have to wait and have told him as much, but of course I get no reply. I could have had it fixed locally 10 times over by now. The only thing I absolutely don't want is a refund - I've waited too long to just let it go.

I'm also not the only one in this predicament. I've gotten several PMs from other members in the same boat. I've also seen posts where people who paid for their watches after I sent mine back have received theirs, so movement supply or backlog is clearly not the problem.

I think that the complete silence that myself and several others are receiving crosses the line of common courtesy and professionalism that should be expected of anyone you buy or sell from regardless of how they came to be buying or selling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I'm Pretty Popular
You should have sent it back insured with tracking number and sig required delivery. That way you'd know it's whereabouts.
(though if I'd had waited that long to receive a watch there's no chance I'd have ever sent it back in the first place)
As for the rest of your grievances, perhaps some valid points but good luck with that.
I can feel where you're coming from and am in no way trying to be a smart-azz.
I'm just being realistic :)
It would have likely been a lot faster and easier to simply replace the movement and then email TC for reimbursement possibilities after sending him back the faulty movement.


Active Member
I shipped it fed-ex and know it was delivered (and signed for). Shipping is not the issue.


In a Causal Loop
Have you submitted a help desk ticket requesting a mods help? There should be no reason TC can't at least respond to your inquiries.


Mythical Poster
Sorry to hear this bud. You know TC will get it fixed up for you...It just takes time.


I'm Pretty Popular
Well now there's a 3rd party involved ("neighbor"). Unfortunate, but now your level of satisfaction is hanging in the balance of the performance of a 3rd party. TC isn't overly verbose via email, but I have found him to be very polite and easy to deal with.

At any rate, this is probably best taken up with the mods of the forum and not with the opinions of every TC fan or hater. I hope your issue is resolved quickly and you get the watch you paid for.


Mythical Poster
You seem to have done all the right things to avoid being placed on his "annoying person " list. Hope this gets sorted soon.

My advice for prospective buyers is NEVER to send your watch back to TC unless your prepared for a wait as long as the waited to receive the watch in the first place. So if you've waited 3 months to get the watch in the first place then be prepared to wait 3months to have it repaired.


8-10 weeks turnaround-time is a standard for sending a DOA watch back to China - or much longer. At least I´m sure You´ll get a good sub as soon as this comes back from TC.
Try to live in a southern location and buy a gen Omega or Rolex - as long as it´s fine, great - as soon as something is wrong or it needs a service it´s 6 months (or more) waiting time to have it sent from the AD to Switzerland and back and it always comes back with a hefty bill. If it´s brand new under warranty and no replacement is available - exactly the same. You´re not in for even 4 months - disagreeable as it is, with the gen-like looks comes gen-like treatment. Mine took 11 weeks to be ready in the first place.

Cheer up, TC does not update as long as there is nothing to report (watch is ready).


Renowned Member
This is crazy! i really feel for you my friend, and regardless of the time it takes to repair this watch, i am sorry but i don't understand people who defend TC. Sending just an update email to the buyer it's just the strict minimum after weeks or months waiting for a repair that could take a fews days at any watchshop..

And sorry to say that you can't give for excuse that the gen when sent to repair takes 6 months (which is not true by the way i sent my gen GMTc II TT for movement repair in less than a month i had the watch in hands and also scratches free), because it's not a gen. The problem here is that TC used a 3rd party to repair the watch with who the buyer has no written or moral agreement.. which is why TC should've reply to his multiples emails at least to reassure him that the watch is taking care of.

More with gen repairs. When you send a gen for repair, you get a repair number, they give you a time line, and i can assure you that they always send it back in time and sometimes even sooner so this excuse is just not an excuse in this case!

I love TC's subs, i really do, i have one myself, but everyone knows that it's taking more and more time to get one, they more and more comes with issues and TC ask you to send the watch back when he knows he is too busy to do the job himself or in a correct time line for the buyer who already waited months to get it in the first place.. I'm sorry but even the TC quality doesn't worth that much headache... i will be sure to wait for theses issues to stop before buying from him again


Known Member

1. My apologies for not replying you on Jul 4. I should have but did not. My bad.

2. The movement problem was with the reverse gears. Charles tried replaced the parts at first, but he found out there is still a matching problem and the new gears wears out all the same.

3. So Charles sent your watch back to me along with the other 8 TC Subs with the same problem. I took off the TC 2824s, filed warranty replacement with the maker, performed QC checks on all TC 2824 I have, rejected almost the entire batch, waiting for the replacement to deliver.

Bad news is I still need 2 to 3 weeks before I can get your TC Sub back to you. Good news is TC 2824 maker was rather quick in response. They found where the problem is. They will increase a procedure or two in manufacturing so the same problem won't happen again. And my replacement is en route with USPS.



Known Member

1. My apologies for not replying you on Jul 4. I should have but did not. My bad.

2. The movement problem was with the reverse gears. Charles tried replaced the parts at first, but he found out there is still a matching problem and the new gears wears out all the same.

3. So Charles sent your watch back to me along with the other 8 TC Subs with the same problem. I took off the TC 2824s, filed warranty replacement with the maker, performed QC checks on all TC 2824 I have, rejected almost the entire batch, waiting for the replacement to deliver.

Bad news is I still need 2 to 3 weeks before I can get your TC Sub back to you. Good news is TC 2824 maker was rather quick in response. They found where the problem is. They will increase a procedure or two in manufacturing so the same problem won't happen again. And my replacement is en route with USPS.


My V6 which I received last week suffers the same problem most likely with the reverse gears. It stops, and the rotor spins crazy. I already contacted you once about it, you asked me to manually wind it, but that doesn't help.

So your telling me I need to send the watch back to you, that there's a serious issue with the movement, or can a watch smith fix this? You say new gears will wear out?

Thomas, I as many will find this news very troubling. We waited a long time for a quality watch, and now we're all having to send this back to you for repair, and await more time?

I imagine then everyone lately who's received your watch, or currently waiting to will have these faulty movements, correct?

This is upsetting to hear.


Mythical Poster
Just buy the ETA replacement parts and change them. It's simple 15 minute job with the only tool needed is a jewelers screwdriver.

There are two jeweled gears that comprise the set and it's normally the more expensive one that breaks so you might as well replacement them both. As I recall the set of two are about $25 from Ofrei or Cousins.

ETA part # 1488 and 1530


Legendary Member
Yes there you have it alright. It takes a thread to get a response from TC and the response is my movements are defective in the overpriced reps I made for you guys. I'd like to know when TC will be replacing everyone's defective movements or will he just wait for the complaints??


I'm Pretty Popular
Just buy the ETA replacement parts and change them. It's simple 15 minute job with the only tool needed is a jewelers screwdriver.

There are two jeweled gears that comprise the set and it's normally the more expensive one that breaks so you might as well replacement them both. As I recall the set of two are about $25 from Ofrei or Cousins.

ETA part # 1488 and 1530

If this is the case, I can also be done without uncasing the movement. Correct?


I'm Pretty Popular
For every complaint there are 25 happy customers. Everyone wants quicker service. I have 3 of his movements and hope I don't have this issue but I would take it to my watchmaker if I did. I am sure you will love your watch once it is repaired and this will be a faint memory.