"no one outside EU" - therefore you should be looking up Naarika, who can ship from UK. I just got a PO from him in T'land and received it West Coast USA in less than a week. Happy. (He is on buying trip in Asia as we speak.)
I agree it's not a bad idea to test another dealer occasionally, just not to waste forum time & resources bellyaching if it doesn't work out. Only reasonable question for forum is as above - 'has anyone dealt with this guy/gal before??' A brief follow-up at the end of your own thread to tell how it went would add to the collective knowledge. Just take it like a grown-up if the non-trusted dealer turns out not to be trustworthy...
Bye bye spammer...Ive bought from both asian7750.com and SPAM ... for me it is hard to buy from any site seeing that I live in the Dominican Republic and Credit Card is not a available payment method for me so I must use Western Union ( yes we have Credit Cards its that our banks security wont let us pay like this). First I bought a Rodger Dubuis about 2 years ago from idol replica it was a gold color one and it still looks and works great. I bought a hublot all black at asian7750 3 months ago with a ceramic bazel... works feals and looks great. I know that I prefer to buy from a person who is reliable BUT if you bought from a webpage that sent you a product I would like to know so that I can explore my options... Thank you very Much for your X.
I am looking for one of the new Roger Dubuis Excalibure models... anyone msg me at no mail please
someone can mail the link of the retailers of confidence “excused for the language is Italian and I do not speak English well”:thinking::thinking:
tony from 7750.com is not a bad dealer, i'll dealt with him for some watches. But as he is not a trusted dealer here, if anything goes wrong, we can't help.