Sent from my iPhone 6
This is pure sex!! Care to share the model please?
- Dave
15450 is 37mm if I am not wrong. So it should sit very well on your 6.5 inch wrist. But please post a wrist shot after you have received it, mate.Which one is it? 15400 or 15450? What's your wrist size? I just ordered a 15450 and I'm 6.5
Sent from the RWI mobile app
15450 is 37mm if I am not wrong. So it should sit very well on your 6.5 inch wrist. But please post a wrist shot after you have received it, mate.
Which one is it? 15400 or 15450? What's your wrist size? I just ordered a 15450 and I'm 6.5
Sent from the RWI mobile app
It's a 15400 and my wrist size is 6.7
- Dave