Yes rep, V6 factory. Im happy with the overall build quality. Movement definately won't pass the side to side comparison but that doesn't bother me.Rep? How's the quality?
Yes rep, V6 factory. Im happy with the overall build quality. Movement definately won't pass the side to side comparison but that doesn't bother me.Rep? How's the quality?
44 mm breitling on 6'5 wrist
Chinese watch Whith chinese fruit For dessert
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Tried on a gen 3777 today at the iwc store. I'm really caught in between this and the 3717. What a good looking piece! I'm concerned its a little too big for my 6.5" wrist with the over hang unless I'm just overanalyzing. I have a 44 and 45mm PAM that doesn't make me think about this. Oh well... Here's the pic:
Sent from my Noob 1:1 v6 edition iPhone super rep
Lovely watch!! Can you please PM the link of this exact watch on toro's site. Thanks
392 and 312 are 1950 cases. Here is my 531, same style 1950 case.Hello. Somebody has the new 392 or 312 with skinny wrist?
I am considering it... but i have to sell a gorgeous 388 rad because was too fat for my wrist. Like so much, lovely dial, hands...better than manual wind pams, but 18 mm is a big piece of steel, and i want it for wearing with suit (don´t care if it is not a dressy watch, i like it!, and i´m young )
your oppinion will be appreciated.
Man that gen dial and date wheel really makes a difference!
Go with the 3777! I have the same overhang but it never bothers me because it wears so comfortably!