There seems to be a discrepancy about wrist size and watch size/girth/height. I've seen a lot of so called small wrists on this thread wearing really big watches which doesn't seem to change anyone's mind about wrist size at all, and I'm puzzled by that. I think it's more complicated ( at least it is for me) than just wrist size because there are other variables I need to take into account. I'm a 6.5 but my wrist isn't entire flat either. I've got about 1 5/8" of comfortable space (centered on my wrist) to work with before the lugs exceed my wrist. Lug length is very important (curved lugs help a lot) and case height (there is a limit) are real barometers to sizing a wrist/watch. Of course it comes down to your perception, what you're comfortable with, and what you like in the final analysis but these parameters must be in line for me to sign off on a new purchase.
I like to feel that there's something on my wrist, a bit of heft but not so much it it either gets in my way, becomes a distraction, or becomes decidedly weighty, like I want to take it off for a bit. If it's right, you shouldn't notice your wearing it and you should be able to wear it all day long.
What are some of your criteria for what you consider 'wearable', and are you really aware of the pressure to be fashionable, to wear something bigger and less comfortable because after all, if you wanted to know the time you could get that from your phone, ask someone, or in most cases, just look up.
Interested to hear your comments...