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Show & Tell: What's everyone do for work?


Banned member, the goat does not approve
lmao this is why you generally want to be reserved about letting people know you’re an investor.

Kind of like being a physician at a dinner party. “Oh, you’re a doctor? So I’ve had this wart on my foot for years…”
A closed mouth don't get fed, and the worst thing someone can tell you is no. Never hurts to ask. Everyone likes to make money!
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often nice, sometimes evil😜
project manager in structural engineering. actually a nice job, only the architects can sometimes be annoying (not all of them, of course :)
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Getting To Know The Place
Finally, someone else that shares the same profession. Those doors are huge. Boats huge, too. Y'all got it made on a processor, though! This is what our flounder rig looks like.

That was one of the rigs that brought in a whopping $451 million?
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Mythical Poster
US Army vet
Retired Fed Law Enforcement
Private High School English teacher


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Banned member, the goat does not approve
That was one of the rigs that brought in a whopping $451 million?
Noooooo. The fishery brings in 451 million. That boat prob stocked 5-6 million worth of just fish. The boat isn't the expensive part, it's the permit(s) that are where the money is. Also, doesn't matter if you bring 'em out of the water every year for paint, etc. Salt water is not a friend of steel. If you had to buy that boat you'd prob pay 750-900k w/ what's inside of it, etc.


Getting To Know The Place
Noooooo. The fishery brings in 451 million. That boat prob stocked 5-6 million worth of just fish. The boat isn't the expensive part, it's the permit(s) that are where the money is. Also, doesn't matter if you bring 'em out of the water every year for paint, etc. Salt water is not a friend of steel. If you had to buy that boat you'd prob pay 750-900k w/ what's inside of it, etc.
Got it. Forgive my ignorance but, as much as I am fascinated by this business, I know little about it. Thanks for the details. I am curious: how many boats does that fishery have?


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Got it. Forgive my ignorance but, as much as I am fascinated by this business, I know little about it. Thanks for the details. I am curious: how many boats does that fishery have?
From MA to NC, probably 400-ish that are scallopers. Watcha wanna learn? There's a lot of money for one to make if you're able-bodied & knows someone, that knows someone like myself. It's not easy work, nor easy to get on. I, however, have never been like that. All of the old captains will not teach anyone a damn thing, but will bitch/cry/moan that our way of life is dying. You can't get experience, without being give the chance to gain experience. There's been a lot of guys that have tried just because of the money we make, but they don't last long. It's a full package. You gotta be married to the boat. It comes before anything during the season. If it's 2 days from your kids birthday & you get that call that the time is now, you either go, or you don't have a job & it's going to be hard to get another one because that captain will then go & tell everyone he knows/has been working with for 40-50 years that you didn't show up. There is a lot of things you have to deal with, but it's built everything I have & then some, and the same goes for a lot of others.

There are a few diff types of us, however. You've got people that will come back in after 7-10 days & blow a $20,000 check in 3-4 nights at a casino, a bag of coke/crack & women of the night. <-- These are the same guys that haven't & won't pay their taxes, ever. It's not hard to give "Uncle $am" his little 25-35k every year & not be worried about it......however, they do not, and will not, and never have done that. These guys are in their 40s-50s that have been doing this shit longer than I've been alive, and don't have a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out of. They live for the next trip. The only thing you will ever see them have in their pocket is a bag of dope, a pack of cigarettes & a cheap ass cell phone w/ some walmart shoes LMAO. They continue the same cycle they grew up in/what they know/are comfortable with. They're able to get away being like that because their face is good, and people that deal w/ them know come April of the next year scallop season starts & they will honor their debt(s). Also, please believe that there are dealers & women waiting on you to pull back up to that dock, because they know you got AT LEAST 10-15k for a few days worth of work & half of it has already been spent before it was made, and the rest will be spent as soon as it's cashed & then do it all over again.

Then, the rest of us (with an IQ over 16 at least) use what we make to build a life, family, and decent portfolio. Not technically "rich", but obviously do well for ourselves. I, and most others don't gamble, play with the women, etc. I'm not comfortable being like the above people, nor am I hardly comfortable being around them (generally speaking). You'd have to jump on board & have a conversation on a boat that has both types of people to truly understand. It's not a life most people could handle/would want a relationship in/during. Thankfully, the women that do hold have an SO that fishes loves that we do what we love & would never try and take that away. A good woman is worth a whole hell of a lot of money, and then some. Without mine, I'm not sure where I would be, lol. Luckily, our full time crew consists of Vietnamese, as well as Mexican's & 3 other like-minded white guys like myself. The Vietnamese & Mexicans take 75% of their money, every check, and send it back to their country of origin & build houses & buy land cheap cheap cheap & live in "mansions" (if you will). We want/wanted something in life, got the opportunity & made it happen. It's by no means "easy", but I'd rather bust my ass for a week-10 days in an open bottom trip & come home & sell every pound from anywhere up to 37 dollars a pound like we did a LOT last year. That's 1.1 million dollars of product, in 10 days. Sold. & we're going to do this full time until late October-November. Give the boat 50% and then pay the fuel, electronics, groceries, and then everyone gets a percentage.

Like I said above, you must be married to it. I've missed birthdays, christmas', anniversaries, school functions, softball games, and everything in between. In hindsight, that's a small price to pay to be able to have "The Jones's keep up with you", instead of you trying to keep up with the jones's" - I sleep better knowing if I leave next week & go to Davey Jones Locker, my family has nothing to worry about. To me, that's what makes it worth every minute of it. 18/6 & 20/4 for a week straight is not good for your body, either. Everything is hand shucked. Every single scallop that comes up in those dredge bags. Ask specific questions if you want.
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Banned member, the goat does not approve
Close! Narcotics (DEA) instead of white collar crime.

I love how Keanu overacts his way through that entire movie!
The drug war needs to be over with, period. Hard drugs are safer to use than "legal" drugs (aside from cannabis)......yet, here we are. It's all about the incarceration rate, because $$$$ - Sad & fucked up system. The guy selling dope gets 20-25 years, and the Chomo gets 3-7.
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Amor Fati
The drug war needs to be over with, period. Hard drugs are safer to use than "legal" drugs (aside from cannabis)......yet, here we are. It's all about the incarceration rate, because $$$$ - Sad & fucked up system. The guy selling dope gets 20-25 years, and the Chomo gets 3-7.
I lost faith in the mission near the end, which is why I got out.

Can't agree that all hard drugs are safer than most legal drugs...but there are definitely huge problems with the Rx drug industry. My last 10 years on the job I was dealing with the fallout of Purdue Pharma and their exploitation of doctors and crushing America with Oxycontin. The opioid crisis leads directly back to that company. Everyone on the board of PP should be in prison, imo.

But thanks for your warm welcome :)
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Banned member, the goat does not approve
I lost faith in the mission near the end, which is why I got out.

Can't agree that all hard drugs are safer than most legal drugs...but there are definitely huge problems with the Rx drug industry. My last 10 years on the job I was dealing with the fallout of Purdue Pharma and their exploitation of doctors and crushing America with Oxycontin. The opioid crisis leads directly back to that company. Everyone on the board of PP should be in prison, imo.
It's all in the numbers. They definitely don't lie. 500k+ die from alcohol/related alone, annually. Opiates don't come close to touching that number. No "hard drug" does. Regardless, NOBODY should have the power over someone to incarcerate/fuck their life up more by arresting them(generating revenue for the county) because of their choice to use a certain substance. It blows my mind.

Might I ask for at least 1 good story you done that you can talk about? Biggest seizure?


Banned member, the goat does not approve
I lost faith in the mission near the end, which is why I got out.

Can't agree that all hard drugs are safer than most legal drugs...but there are definitely huge problems with the Rx drug industry. My last 10 years on the job I was dealing with the fallout of Purdue Pharma and their exploitation of doctors and crushing America with Oxycontin. The opioid crisis leads directly back to that company. Everyone on the board of PP should be in prison, imo.

But thanks for your warm welcome :)
Also, Suboxone & Methadone are round about the same; another way to keep someone hooked on a drug that costs them money, and is deemed "clean"/"okay" by the state/and general public. I'd rather detox from H 10 times, than detox from Suboxone or Methadone once. You're literally stuck on having the flu(what w/d's feel like)x100 for up to 6 months w/ suboxone & methadone. nooooooooo thnx. after I flew 132' out of the windshield & landed just right to snap my femur in 3x places, the OG Oxycontin was flowing freely. They stuck me on pain management for 4 years, then one day just cut me off........all for testing positive for cannabis, ONCE.


Amor Fati
It's all in the numbers. They definitely don't lie. 500k+ die from alcohol/related alone, annually. Opiates don't come close to touching that number. No "hard drug" does. Regardless, NOBODY should have the power over someone to incarcerate/fuck their life up more by arresting them(generating revenue for the county) because of their choice to use a certain substance. It blows my mind.

Might I ask for at least 1 good story you done that you can talk about? Biggest seizure?
Well, I lived that life for more than 20 years, so I have direct experience to the contrary on the point I was making. Maybe that's not the point you were arguing, so I'm not going to engage further on your first claim, because it seems like we're arguing different points. I can't see this going anywhere productive.

You also seem to have completely skipped over my first statement, which is that I lost faith in the agency's mission at the end, which is why I left. There's no need for you to keep banging that drum - I'm on your side there.

I've never been a 'war story' kind of guy, so I'm no help there. I worked a job for many years that I thought was making the country safer. It turns out that probably isn't true. I'm not really interested in discussing this any further.
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