Nice day out in Stourport
Thanks mate! It's a beautiful watch for a partnerthat's an outstanding shot[emoji7]
gotta get my gf a tc ym??
Thanks mate! It's a beautiful watch for a partnershe loves it [emoji3]
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
For me it's definitely a ladies watch, far to flamboyant for me anyway XD it suits the Mrs completely tho so I'm glad I got it!! Thanks again mate!!to be honest i've never pictured a ym on lady's wrist.
but your picture just showed how awesome it looks[emoji1303]
enjoy mate[emoji132]
Nice day out in Stourport
Tc still.aceept for sub? As all.i hear.about is tc
Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
I envy your incoming Lv! such a stunning watch with the combination of green bezel and maxi dial, wish I could afford one! Would be nice to complete the set... Ahhh one day!!You nailed it, [MENTION=93924]ooarr[/MENTION]! Definitely getting my wife the TC Elabore YM to go with my coming-soon TCLV! Nice shot, BTW.
2 at once! That will be a feast when they arriveThe wait is killing me! 93 days and counting... LV and V6 incomingAhh well he's been a busy man what can i say. Once they're here it will have all have been worth it!
There's a sticky that will answer your question, jincubus. Here it is for your convenience: sound like a ridiculous question but TC crystal doesn't come with the LEC right? Did the rolexes at that time (2004-2006) come with LEC? Appreciate the help!
It seems that a Gen crystal and crown are ways to make the TC sub perfect.