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Seamaster Pro Comparison (Many Pictures)


Active Member
Am happy to say that I'm finally able to do my first Gen->Rep comparison.

The very first rep I purchased was an Omega Seamaster Professional - since then I've owned 5 Seamaster Pro reps - that first one died (which made me look for and find RWI), two were sold when something else caught my eye, and 2 were given away.

I was fortunate enough to come across a full-size Quartz Seamaster Professional over on WUS with all cards, the manual, and both boxes. I'm the third owner, and I got what I feel is a very good price for the piece.

I've taken one of the Seamasters that my Dad has "borrowed" from me back for the purposes of this comparison. "Dad's" watch is an A21J model sourced from WBK here on RWI.

Now, on with the photos!

Side-by-Side Comparison

Gen on left, Rep on right. First impressions - Rep has a darker blue bezel and crystal sits higher, causing bezel to be more angled. Gen crystal / bezel has a slighter curve to it.

In the photo on the right you can see how much more the Rep bezel is curved - compare the lighting on the bezel's 30 marker - it's angled downward more, so is darker.

For the most part, the Rep case and the bezel machining is very close to Gen. Rep bezel insert correctly aligns with the points on the bezel.


Dial and Hand Comparisons

Gen on left, Rep on right. Markers on the Gen are applied and have a border around them, Rep are painted on. Stick markers on the Gen are thinner than what you see on the Rep. Marker color is white on the Gen, Yellow-ish on the Rep.

The wave pattern on the Gen is darker, but thicker and more 3D-ish. Wave pattern on the Rep is lighter in color, and thinner in width and height off the face of the dial.

Take note that the Rep wave pattern stands out more when viewed from straight-on.

Most surprising tell for me, as a Planet Ocean fan, was the hand length. Hand length in the PO is a huge tell, and it just wasn't apparent on the SMPs to me until they were side by side.

Only other thing to note is the date wheel / window placement. It's further inboard on the Gen, allowing for a longer 3:00 marker than what you find on the Rep.

He valve placement is generally correct on the Rep, just needs to be angled a little more.


Below is an angled shot of the face, highlighting the difference in the wave patterns when viewed from an angle this time - the Gen's (on left) thicker and taller wave pattern really stands out.


Crown Comparison

Gen on left, Rep on right. Another surprising difference was the size of the crown guards and the crown. Aside from the finishing and shape of the Gen crown, it's much smaller than I expected.

Just like on the Rolex reps, the Rep Seamaster crown guards appear to extend too far out, and are more pointy than the Gens.


Pearl Comparison

Gen on left, Rep on right. Have finally seen what a gen pearl looks like! Only other thing to note is that on the Rep, the triangle marker doesn't extend to the edge of the bezel.


Case Back Comparison

Gen on left, Rep on right. No real comparision here, given the different stylings of the case back. Honestly, the Gen caseback isn't too much different (better?) than some of the Planet Ocean casebacks I've had.

While the seahorse does stand out more, I was honestly expecting the lettering to be more crisp, and it's really not. Have seen crisper lettering on $75.00 Planet Oceans.


Clasp Comparison

Gen on left, Rep on right. Only issues I can see - engraving on the Gen is a little deeper.

Layout is pretty close, only issue there is there is too much space between the end of the clasp and where the engraving starts with the Omega symbol, so everything is pushed down a little.

Compare where the clasp release buttons align with the engraving to see how much further down the Rep engraving is.


Bracelet Comparison

Gen on right, Rep on left. Bracelets are completely different in terms of fit and finish. See the detail of the Divers Extensions (RIGHT PHOTO) for an example.

Gen bracelet does not have the highly polished sides that the SMP Reps have, and the finish is much higher quality.

Gen bracelet seems much thinner (it's not when calipre'd) and is much lighter than the Rep SMP bracelet.


Lume Comparison

Gen on left, Rep on right. No real comparison here. I have other divers with better lume (my Deep Blue Master 2000!) but very nice, very crisp lume on the gen. Surprisingly no lume on this Rep's hour markers.


Overall Thoughts

Major tells for this A21J Rep - dial, hand length, and crown/crown guards, all of which would be addressed for a relatively small amount of time and money.

Overall case and bezel machining is darned near spot on. Crystal height on the Rep is taller, but that's not a major tell, IMO.

Would I recommend (or even buy) another A21J SMP? Yes, definitely - it's a stunning watch and for the cost is a very good Rep.

So, Why Only Two Reps, Jim?

Was asked by a friend here on RWI why I've stopped buying (and selling) so may Reps. Good question, and there's another good post here on RWI about the life stages of a watch-a-holic vis a vis Reps I'd recommend.

Everyone is in the Rep game for a different reason. Some (few I've seen, thankfully) want to 'pull one over' on people and put on airs of grandeur. Most, like myself, have been life-long watch-a-holics and simply love watches of all types. The Rep world has let me experiment, at a relatively low cost, to see what works for me and what doesn't, without investing too much money (*). I have taken to keeping more Gens than Reps (see my signature) but that's just because I was able to figure out what worked for me, and what I intended to keep long term. Until then, and even after then, I'll be gladly experimenting with the Rep market.

(*) A perfect example - I 'knew' I wanted a U-Boat, and was about to buy a very nice A7750 version for $200+ here on RWI, but someone beat me to it. Next day found a Quartz version for $75.00. Bought it. Wore it less than 2 hours before I knew that oversized crown 'thingy' just wouldn't work for me. Saved much time and money!

I hope this tutorial is useful to you, even if only to know what to look for as you source your next Seamaster Pro Rep OR Gen (so you don't get duped!). I do realize there are case differences between the Quartz model and the A21J model, but I didn't think this overview needed to go that deep (and honestly, other than case thickness, I don't know what they are!)

I'd like the thank everyone who participates here on RWI - this is an excellent place for all of us to share information and knowledge. Even being a life-long watch-a-holic, I couldn't begin to document what I've learned here in the past six months!

Jim (kohanjj)


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Thanks for this nice side by side. A small question about the lume shot..."Gen on right, Rep on left" ? or the other way around?


Active Member
G30 - Just wanted to give 'em a warning - many (17) compared to what you sometimes see.

Thanks loxlox! I did have it backwards (it's now been corrected)


I'm Pretty Popular
My apologies kohanjj. I popped in before you had your pics up. Feeling a little surly...


Known Member
Nice comparison, well done. I'm in the market for a good price on a GMT. I reviewed Omega's official site and it appears that the longer stick at 3 is only on the quartz version. The rep of the automatic and GMT have a shorter stick at 3 just like your rep. However, if I were a gen maker designing a web site I might put odd little tells on my site. A good website of gen phots can be an excellent resource for a rep designer. Love to get a look at a gen in person to see that 3 stick. Now that you pointed it out it is an obvious easy thing to look for.


Legendary Member
Nice comparison kohanjj. I also noticed the case thickness is different. The Gen is much thinner. I tried putting a rep rubber strap on my Gen and I couldn't turn the bezel.




Active Member
Amazing review! I've been looking for something like this for a while.

I've wanted a blue seamaster ever since I got into watches...I've thought about getting a rep for a long time but I decided to wait and get a gen when I can finally afford it sometime down the road...I think it'll mean a lot more when I finally get it.



Legendary Member
A very nice comparison and congrats on the new gen. This too was one of the first watches ever I purchased except I put a gen insert on mine. You've got a nice watch there, enjoy it.



Known Member
Great comparison review, kohanjj! I have been wanting to do one of these for some time now with my gen SMP automatic and my 21j but have just never gotten around to it. You pointed out some things about your 21j that I hadn't noticed!

What I found really interesting are the differences between your gen (newer) quartz and my gen (older) automatic. My gen hands are much closer to the length on the rep and my markers are painted on like the rep. A look at my recent Omega catalog shows the current SMPs to be like your gen. The rep seems to be much closer to my older (2002) gen.

Thanks for a great review!


Active Member
Thanks for all the nice comments, I truly appreciate them!

The one thing that does still have me puzzled is the hand length. I've seen a couple very recent Franken SMPs with gen dials and gen handsets that are still show the 'shorter' hands. The only thing I can figure is that the builders are using the gen handset designed for the "mid-size" SMP (which is about 5mm narrower).


Renowned Member
Wow, is that rep current, how long ago did you get that? That's bad enough for me to not even want to bother getting one. I thought they were much better.


Renowned Member
Although, just had another look at Replicamake's site, looks like it's actually a different/older model, or that the 21J's are vastly inferior to the A2836's (Obviously movement quality aside) as this model looks substantially more like the gen:


EDIT: Bummer, the new domain is blocked too. It's the RM 2011 site.


I'm Pretty Popular
Nice write up Kohanjj, I have same gen smp quartz and also gen black bond auto and wbk's smp and the rep looks quite good, bracelet entirely off obviously but I like the way the waves are prominent. I was never really bothered by the hand issue. The main bother for me was always the pearl....even on the ETA versions it was always hideous...actually would go so far as to say all smp pearls from the factories look like they vomited the pearl out before they shipped ;)


Legendary Member
The one thing that does still have me puzzled is the hand length. I've seen a couple very recent Franken SMPs with gen dials and gen handsets that are still show the 'shorter' hands. The only thing I can figure is that the builders are using the gen handset designed for the "mid-size" SMP (which is about 5mm narrower).

Maybe they are using the handset from the 2531.80.00?

Those are for the regular sized model and are shorter than the current ones they use for the 2220.80.00 below


Active Member
I have a Gen and I've had the reps. Once you've had the real thing-the rep is really not very satisfying. If you don't want to spend alot of money I guess they're not bad. Nice used ones can be had for around $900-$1000 though


Legendary Member
I agree with you on the SMP Gen to rep comparison Oldboy.

But if you compare other reps that are "Ultimate" or "Super" they com very close.


Active Member
Omega SMP

To me the biggest differences are that great sapphire crystal with the Great AR, The lume and the wavy dial is not quite right-close....but not quite. The AR and lume can be done by a modder to improve it. As I said-they make some nice reps out there that stand out on there own-however=once you go GEN it's not quite the same going back to the reps. -just my humble opinion. To be fair-I have not handled any of the higher end Omega SMP reps yet.