Destroy No lying here..
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,141 Destroy No lying here.. Reactions: asusundevils1971 and g00n
g00n ➖ Staff member Moderator Sales Certified 1/9/16 12,093 22,679 113 12/1/25 #116,142 Obliterate Reactions: DiggerOfWatches and asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,143 Smithereens Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,144 Erase Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,145 Memories Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,146 Reminisce Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,147 Nostalgic Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,148 Sentimental Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,149 First time - you seeing PJ in concert
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,150 1995 their fist time in Oz, saw them in Sydney and in Canberra - epic shows Virgin
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,151 I remember my first U2 show, it was Sat Oct 3 1987 in Toronto at the C.N.E. Little Steven and Los Lobos opened up for them. Madonna Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
I remember my first U2 show, it was Sat Oct 3 1987 in Toronto at the C.N.E. Little Steven and Los Lobos opened up for them. Madonna
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,152 Pointy tits Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,153 Pre Pregnancy Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,154 Gravity Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,155 Newton Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,156 Jack Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,157 Frost
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,158 Ice Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. SupporterTop Poster Of Month 23/2/23 22,840 37,358 113 In Your Head 12/1/25 #116,159 Capades Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 10,747 22,649 113 Down Under 12/1/25 #116,160 Adventure Reactions: asusundevils1971