DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,341 Happy Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. Supporter 23/2/23 20,909 32,814 113 In Your Head 5/12/24 #112,342 Alternative lifestyle - must be politically correct VaFarmer70 Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
VaFarmer70 SkySurfer Patron Certified 11/1/11 1,406 954 113 Rocky Mountains 5/12/24 #112,343 Censorship.
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,344 Cancel culture Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. Supporter 23/2/23 20,909 32,814 113 In Your Head 5/12/24 #112,346 Gen Z Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
VaFarmer70 SkySurfer Patron Certified 11/1/11 1,406 954 113 Rocky Mountains 5/12/24 #112,347 Lazy Reactions: asusundevils1971
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,348 Entitled Reactions: asusundevils1971
VaFarmer70 SkySurfer Patron Certified 11/1/11 1,406 954 113 Rocky Mountains 5/12/24 #112,349 Affirmative Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. Supporter 23/2/23 20,909 32,814 113 In Your Head 5/12/24 #112,350 Action
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,352 Stations
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,354 Flatulence
VaFarmer70 SkySurfer Patron Certified 11/1/11 1,406 954 113 Rocky Mountains 5/12/24 #112,355 Fabreeze
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. Supporter 23/2/23 20,909 32,814 113 In Your Head 5/12/24 #112,356 Sucks - for farts Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,358 Box kite Reactions: asusundevils1971
asusundevils1971 Your Parents Warned You To Stay Away From Me. Supporter 23/2/23 20,909 32,814 113 In Your Head 5/12/24 #112,359 Private box Reactions: DiggerOfWatches
DiggerOfWatches 🥇 The Baller 🥇 Gold Patron Certified 4/7/19 9,574 19,151 113 Down Under 5/12/24 #112,360 Suite Reactions: asusundevils1971