Hands work.
Seen a VSF Sub on sale today locally online and the seller mentioned RWI in his listing. So me acting stupid asked what is RWI and he explained it to me adding that he is a member. Now the kicker... He was selling the watch with box and crap for $1200 - $855 US and I told him that the VSF Sub can be purchased for $410 - $577 CDN and can pick up a shitty box crap for $50 AliX.
So I asked why he isn't selling the watch on RWI and he gave me some excuse which I knew was BS. Then I came back and said the reason you won't sell it on RWI and ask more then what you paid for it is because you will get flamed.
Told him after that message that I have been a member for two years and I know you just want to scam naive people for double what you paid. He never sent me a return message.. lol...