Ok the results are in!
We have 4 prizes:
A rather nice looking Uboat from LevelManRoger.
A used but nice B&R 02 courtesy of you-know-who.
A beautiful Dupont Roller courtesy of our man Pix.
A Festina quartz 'gen' also from our photo expert Pix.
Before I announce the winners I would just like to thank everyone that participated; it has been great fun. The quality of pictures has not only been great but we have seen a dramatic improvement over the course of this contest.
So, without further ado:
Our first place winner is Mreynolds767. His pre-competition example was not great (that's as nice as I can put it), but his competition follow ups were superb. With no previous experience he mastered using Photoshop and wowed everyone with some fantastic shots. Congratulations Mreynolds767, looking forward to seeing a lot more of these.
Second place goes to Spider87. His enthusiasm for this contest has kept us amused for the past month. He starts off with a video camera and takes an out of focus shot of half a watch face. By the end of this post he's invested in a new camera, played around with editing, introduced us to all his cute Star Wars mini's, invited everyone from RWI to his wedding, shown us what a Walmart pocket watch looks like from inside and driven Fakey crazy with his desire to get his new watch delivered 2 days before he ordered it so that he can put in a new entry.
Third prize goes to Alviando. He starts off with 20 posts and at last call he's up to 475 and giving good advice to newcomers. Thanks for your input and great support to others Alviando.
Fourth place goes to DrWatch. Unfortunately the links to DrWatch's photo's is currently broken but as luck would have it we managed to get a peek before they went down. Might want to fix that Dr!
So there we have it. I mentioned earlier that winners can choose their prizes but I've changed my mind and decided to let Spider87 have the Uboat since he mentioned, in passing (multiple times), that he rather liked it. I hope nobody get's offended by that. If the rest of you guys let me know the order of the remaining 3 prizes you want I will contact Pix and arrange delivery. PM me with your delivery addresses and I will do my best to arrange things.
It's been a blast guys...