This is like staying at a relatives house...
O onionbag Getting To Know The Place 28/4/11 62 0 0 27/3/12 #162 DFH said: This is like staying at a relatives house... Click to expand... Last time I did that I had projectile vomiting....dodgy seafood. :bbq:
DFH said: This is like staying at a relatives house... Click to expand... Last time I did that I had projectile vomiting....dodgy seafood. :bbq:
powderfreak Active Member 6/2/11 239 3 0 27/3/12 #163 boostin20 said: Soooo, you're saying if it's in a dark room and you couldn't see him, then it would be fine. Click to expand... Yep - balls being scratched at daylight --> only a hot girl is allowed to do that. But at night... after all, could you feel the difference? :lol:
boostin20 said: Soooo, you're saying if it's in a dark room and you couldn't see him, then it would be fine. Click to expand... Yep - balls being scratched at daylight --> only a hot girl is allowed to do that. But at night... after all, could you feel the difference? :lol:
G greg_r Departed Friend Patron In Loving Memory 8/7/08 985 6 0 27/3/12 #166 updates will be posted to this thread:
updates will be posted to this thread:
K ks653 Known Member 7/1/12 128 0 0 27/3/12 #167 Got it... Thanks Greg... Was a little difficult navigating on the iPhone...
D DarkGlass Getting To Know The Place 26/11/09 28 0 0 27/3/12 #168 DFH said: This is like staying at a relatives house... Click to expand... Yeah, no swearing, smoking drinking and or fighting (green)
DFH said: This is like staying at a relatives house... Click to expand... Yeah, no swearing, smoking drinking and or fighting (green)
P pollux-1 Getting To Know The Place 22/2/08 45 0 6 28/3/12 #169 Let's hope the attackers give up sooner rather than later, the little shits.