hahaha - luth, mate, it's a long story, but after I left the music biz (got married and realised that eating was probably a good idea

), I went into audio electronics, which had long been an interest/hobby (this is back in the eighties). A friend of mine had an idea that computerised measurement and development tools were the way forward - only problem was that the only thing available back then that even vaguely could handle what we needed was from HP, was expensive and pretty basic. So we bought a minicomputer and learned how to program...
The design side comes from about the same time (actually a couple of years later) - I needed a logo and some glossy literature for our company and I didn't like what the agency came up with. I liked their price even less, so I decided to do it myself. One Mac Plus and a copy of Pagemaker later and we were in business. That later led into the very early days of web design (1995 I think was the first site I was commissioned to build).
Oddly, a good friend of mine went a similar route - he started off as a musician, moved into audio (recording in his case - he still owns a small record label) and now runs an I.T. support company. Go figure