tripdog Man, that is one gorgeous build.
Thanks for sharing: it definitely is deserving of a thread !!
I'm considering heading in the same direction, though with a black T<25 version.
I sent you a PM ( prior to seeing this thread ) with a couple questions: perhaps I'll ask them here as a means of potentially helping other members considering a build like this ?
I recently stumbled upon a member that has offered "huge" assistance in acquiring one of these case sets. ( you know who you are E-man )
Overall, the case looks extremely good ( to me ) but first and foremost, it's been drilled and tapped to accept the 24-7030 ( Submariner ) tube: meaning it's much too large.
How does one go about correcting this, aside from the epoxy treatment job ( much like what was needed to install a gen tube on the V5 Omega PO's of yester-year )
And where are these "Cartel" 78790A's being sourced ?
They certainly do look great to me.
I see someone has asked about the potential cost in getting a build like this off the ground.
I don't wish to appear to be trying to hi-jack trip's beautiful thread, so he's correct: all in will likely run a few bills north of $2k, depending.
And in my opinion, that's well worth the price.
THANKS for sharing tripdog: none other than awesome-ness. :woo: