Lol and a great first post

There is no JFK case for a 14060 as far as I know, they only do 4 digit cases. I have a 14060 build and I used a TC case ad raffles dial. Unfortunately TC is no longer around. It was a 16610 case so the 16610 is about 0.5mm bigger so it is not an exact build.
If I was doing it again, I heard BP are doing the 14060 again so check that out. Any TD should be able to tell you.
The raffles dial is 29mm as opposed to the gen dial which is 27.8mm I think. So most gen spec cases are too small. I presume Raffles make a bigger 14060 case to accommodate their dial. I do not know though as I have never used a Raffles case.
Again if you are buying a complete watch and you are lucky enough that BP are doing them it would save a lot of hassle. You could do a more accurate build in the future if you wanted to go that far. Be aware that BP sometimes do a 2813 option, for some of their models, if you really wanted a budget watch to try out.