If you take the bracelet off, you will notice that all the noob ND subs have "116610 LN" engraved on the cases.
So the GMT IIC, ND subs are all based off the SUb-C. Just saying.
yes but all of them are based on the gmt2c case which was the ceramic model that was released first, so that is the most accurate rep
Ah shit. I hadn't noticed that it was the wrong model number. Guess I won't be wearing mine on a NATO any more. That sort of thing bugs me for some reason. Ugh, I hate my OCD in this hobby!If you take the bracelet off, you will notice that all the noob ND subs have "116610 LN" engraved on the cases.
So the GMT IIC, ND subs are all based off the SUb-C. Just saying.
Sorry this is off topic guys but now looking for a good copy rolex milgauss black GV or anniversary model. Can anyone point me in right direction to a TD?.
Anyone bought one??
I want the one Daniel Craig is wearing in this pic - 2.bp.blogspot.com/_04kZGR_ltmE/ScXydnr0zPI/AAAAAAAACuE/FTRXu9L5Xqw/s1600/Daniel-Craig-Rolex-Milgauss.jpg
Many thanks guys ;-)
Andy.. random question in a No Date Sub thread... Take a step back.
Start here.. read the sticky's.. http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/forumdisplay.php/replica-watch-general-20
Then go here.. read alot.. http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/forumdisplay.php/rolex-replicas-22
Then go here.. any of these TD's can get your milgauss.. http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/forumdisplay.php/trusted-replica-dealers-168
If you know enough about how to post in this thread, you know enough about about how to post it in a new, separate topic. Nice ND from Hont by the way.
Yep, it´s a NoobFactory version.