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Right wrist size for Ult 45.5 PO


Banned member, the goat does not approve

All you smallies make the PO look like a huge clunky chunk of metal.

Oh well, beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder but guess what...use around you are not blind either: we can see that these cumbersome looking chunks of hardware look a bit off on your wrists...

Me, even at 7.5 inches, no matter how much i like a watch: the first thing i mostly worry about is how it looks on me to others. Why? Because as much as I see my watch on my wrist, everybody will also see it but from their eyeballs and their particular angle and that is what your "complete package" takes up the most meaning.
I want to make sure the image I put out in public is the one most people won snicker, vomit or criticize the most....

road rash

Active Member
You know your wrist is too small when you can only fit one link between the the watch clasp and the case :!:
Otherwise, no worries Mate :!: If it fits wear it. :D :) :lol: :D :shock:


I'm Pretty Popular
My wrist is a hair bellow 7" I wear a PO, and love my 47mm davidsen MM20 PVD!. You wanna know my opinion?

I'm strictly personal choice.

If YOU think its too big for you then its too big. If YOU dont think its too big for you then its NOT too big. no more no less. :D

And don't give a FRAKK what others think !


I'm Pretty Popular
Anubis said:
My wrist is a hair bellow 7" I wear a PO, and love my 47mm davidsen MM20 PVD!. You wanna know my opinion?

I'm strictly personal choice.

If YOU think its too big for you then its too big. If YOU dont think its too big for you then its NOT too big. no more no less. :D

And don't give a FRAKK what others think !

Are you a cylon?


Renowned Member
paneraifreak said:
seraphe said:
It's not the first sight of PO45 on a wrist.... but here's how it'd look on 6.5" wrist.



I'm posting these pics again because I just like the way it looks on my wrist. Some may prefer the smaller 42, but this is the one for me.

Simply put, Dangerman is right. There is no most appropriate wrist size for the 45. It'd really depends on you... just like how some people like to wear their belt way below the navel while there're some who wear 'em way above. It's really up to one's own...


This watch is way way way too big on your wrist.

Trust me, it looks very goofy on you. VERY goofy.

Looks like you could just slide the watch off your arm without opening the bracelet!!! :shock:

Heeh. Goofy or not, I'm still very comfortable with it. In fact, I'm glad it's this big instead of the smaller 42mm which will look like a pimple on my wrist. For the same reason, I feel that the sub is too small for me now...

Btw, it does slide up and down my wrist, just like the way I like it to, as long as it doesn't slide AROUND the wrist. Reason being, it feels and looks just right with the weight low on the wrist when my hand is down. And certainly it doesn't slip outaf my hand.


I'm Pretty Popular
seraphe said:
It's not the first sight of PO45 on a wrist.... but here's how it'd look on 6.5" wrist.



I'm posting these pics again because I just like the way it looks on my wrist. Some may prefer the smaller 42, but this is the one for me.

Simply put, Dangerman is right. There is no most appropriate wrist size for the 45. It'd really depends on you... just like how some people like to wear their belt way below the navel while there're some who wear 'em way above. It's really up to one's own...

I don't think it's goofy; it looks cool on you. I think you can pull it off if you are a MTV rock musician slender type with 6.5" wrist. I, on the other hand, am 5'10" almost 200# with disproportionate 6.5" birdy wrist; rest of my body looks kind of stocky... I used to teach full contact fighting/mixed martial arts/used to train some contracted US Navy Seals, etc. Hence the username. So, I kind of look like a shorter version of Bolo. Remember Bolo? Sexy doesn't matter, cuz I'm married with kid... :p (j/k... gotta look sexy for my wife).

So, wear it well, as you do. I, on the other hand, am hesitant, cuz I think I'll look like Bolo with thin wrists trying to compensate by wearing this giant. :? Whadayathink?


Renowned Member
Nope. Don't have that tall rock star kindaf build... Am 6'9" tall, medium built... EDIT: Oops. I'm 5'9"... not 6'9"






Put Some Respect On My Name
seraphe, your second batch of wrist shot photos are a lot better and really make that large watch look good on you.

I think wristshot photos of large watches are misleading. You really have to see it in context of everything else... your build, height, what you wear, the size of your head? :)

i particularly notice that if you take a wrist shot at odd angles with a wide lense, it just distorts things. Also if you ball your fist, makes your hand smaller and thus makes your whole wrist look smaller.

If you fan your hands out b/c have big hands, helps with the overall pics in my opinion (like what you did in your pics seraphe). or have a photo taken at 50mm or torso shot. also depends on how your arm is rotated too :) i think the watch looks great when your arms are at your sides or arms crossed.

btw: when i say *you* i dont specifically mean seraphe, i mean everyone in general :)

@Andreww: that 45 looks real good on you!!!

btw: is Daniel Craig really that small of a guy? I watched Casino Royale again and that watch just looks great on him... but it never really looks or feels like the 45? i guess the rubber strap really plays a big role in making it fit/look right?

the other day, i saw a 42mm PO witha rubber strap :) was exciting :D makes me want some gen rubber straps!!! friggin 150 dollars though :(

anyways, i noticed these two wrist shots look really different - but same watch ? :) i like how the watch sits on the 2nd pic :)




Renowned Member
Thanks! That's why I'm showing more wrist shots of different angles. I too realized the wrist shots with my fist clenched does not correctly show my wrist size in its natural state. Remember, when you flex your forearm muscles, your wrist will be smaller than when you let your arm down by your side...

My wife had also commented that for a guy my size at my age, I have pretty big hands. So though my arms aren't slim and long, the bigger hands make my lower arms look slimmer and longer than they are. I guess it's a the size of the hand that is a bigger factor to how a 45mm fits you, not the size of the wrist.

... that's just my theory.