If You are looking for lost connection pieces, they were LEFT inside in the original strap. The watch smith did not know what to do and what to expect. When replacing straps You have to actually push out connection pieces out of the strap. The watchsmith left them there.
Use toothpick to push them out
Polonus is right.I've just pushed out the connection pieces from my old strap with a needle.
I've learned something, I must have quite a few "lost" connectors, and I guess I'm going to go and find them with a toothpick now! Lol
The strap had an entirely different problem. I bought the same cordovan strap from Europelli, installed it on my 380, and in one day the strap fell apart. The stitching and glue just disintegrated. After I removed the strap, the other end that held the buckle also just fell apart. It was just a junk strap.I called Europelli and he said that he had problems with those straps because they were machine sewn. He said the cure was a handsewn strap.
Having bought a Pam183H from Precious Time I decided to give it new skin. Ordered a Europelli cordovan strap and took it to local watchsmith for removing the old and fitting the new......Having worn my new pride and joy only on a handful occaisons the europelli leather came away from the wire loop. The weak quality of the strap surprised me since I read much praise for the strap from other users.
Having had the same experience, I interpreted the op as stating that the strap was weak and came away from the wire loops. While I have had wire loop issues, in this case, I experienced a failure of the strap unrelated to the wire loops, which may have been what the op experienced. If I am wrong, I apologize as I did not intend to hijack this thread in any way.
I included a picture to show you two cordovan straps that I bought for my radiomir. One worn once, and the other not yet mounted. If you will reread the op's post, you will see that he was talking about the same issue before he began questioning the wire loop attachment, tubes, etc. I believe that my post was germane to the issue.