- 15/4/24
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Hi guys, fairly new to the RWI community and had a quick (probably very dumb) question. What is the difference between reps that’s say V3 and reps that say v4? I’m assuming the “v” means version. So the higher the version # the newer / better the rep? Am I right by assuming that? I’m specifically looking at this black ceramic AP. I will attach the links below, I’ve heard mixed reviews on the v3 specifically because of the weeks hand moving and not like the gen I believe? Still not sure what some reviews meant by that. (If you can explain I’d sincerely appreciate it). But no reviews on the v4 is that probably because it’s newer and they’ve made some necessary changes on the “newer” v4? Does that even mean it’s newer than the v3? Thank you so, so much!
^ V3 version
^ v4 version
They’re also priced the exact same which is confusing me a ton. Thank you again!
^ V3 version
Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar 26579CE Black Ceramic APSF Best Edition on Black Ceramic Bracelet A5134 V4 - InTimeWatch
Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar 26579CE Black Ceramic APSF Best Edition on Black Ceramic Bracelet A5134 V4
^ v4 version
They’re also priced the exact same which is confusing me a ton. Thank you again!