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Frank_NRW Active Member Supporter Certified 24/2/22 294 203 43 France / Germany 14/2/23 #65 Bell & Ross diver Reactions: Kilowog
numero2 I'm Pretty Popular 21/4/09 2,069 416 83 FR 15/2/23 #67 Reactions: aphmars13, 1675, pismo and 1 other person
Frank_NRW Active Member Supporter Certified 24/2/22 294 203 43 France / Germany 18/2/23 #72 La montre du jour est…une montre du soir… Reactions: pismo and Kilowog
ActrisduX Active Member 26/12/21 312 330 63 Europe 20/2/23 #74 Reactions: aphmars13, 1675, pismo and 1 other person
K Kilowog I'm Pretty Popular Certified 4/12/16 1,414 4,025 113 France 24/2/23 #78 Reactions: ActrisduX
numero2 I'm Pretty Popular 21/4/09 2,069 416 83 FR 24/2/23 #79 Reactions: pismo, Kilowog and ActrisduX