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QC Pics - Are we pushing TD's to their limit?


Renowned Member
There are a select bunch of individuals that push dealers to the limit and I'm sure its frustrating as all hell for them. like a buyer dismissing 3-4 pieces cuz they all have the same flaw that all of that model has or cuz they are expecting perfection. Then the buyer gets blacklisted and move on do another dealer to do the same. Their nitpicking delays the whole process for everybody and causes a chain reaction down the line as the dealer has to rifle through his stock or go to the factory to get another, reshoot photos, re-test it etc.


Mythical Poster
Thank you all for the thoughtful discussion on this topic. We're having the same discussion in the admin section, and we've now posted an official policy regarding the public posting of QC pics.


Fortunately, most of our long established members appear to already have a very good understanding of what the purpose of those pictures are, and will point the newcomers in the right direction.


I'm Pretty Popular
Can I get an AMEN!!!

And this has nothing to do with Pec's "i dont know if there is a..." thread...

...OR your thoughtful response's ahw. :D


I'm Pretty Popular
Is there a formal rule about QC pics? I posted a QC pic recently but I did not name the dealer.

I saw the flaw myself (misaligned etched rolex logo & cyclops) but I wanted a discussion on whether this should be a deal breaker or not. I'm new enough to this that I don't know where to draw the line yet.

On another watch, a chronograph, the minute register didn't look like it was resetting to zero. Is that a deal breaker? Maybe it just needs the hand reset? To me it's annoying to order a watch with such a glaring fault.

If our TDs aren't stocking these watches why don't they do the QC when they purchase them from the factory? I mean, make sure a chrono is working correctly, resetting properly, making sure bezels and hands are aligned, make sure movement doesn't move inside the case when the watch is wound, etc.

It just seems like the dealers would save themselves a lot of headaches if the checked little stuff like this beforehand and then they would end up with a lot of repeat customers.

Am I out of line that thinking on a $200 watch that the chrono hands or a cyclops should be aligned correctly?


Mythical Poster
Is there a formal rule about QC pics? I posted a QC pic recently but I did not name the dealer.

There is a formal rule now. :)


I saw the flaw myself (misaligned etched rolex logo & cyclops) but I wanted a discussion on whether this should be a deal breaker or not.

And this is not so bad. What we're trying to get away from is the person who's posting up a bunch of pics and saying: "Help! Tell me what's wrong with this watch!" You can't even tell if he looked at the pictures himself.

If our TDs aren't stocking these watches why don't they do the QC when they purchase them from the factory?

Different dealers have varying policies. Some have stock. Others do not. Some routinely do QC photos, some only on request. We all agree that it would save the buyers a lot of headache to do the QC, and to document it first. But for large volume dealers, maybe they feel it's not worth their while.

Kal Vilmer

Active Member
I think that the only time this QC pics help the community is when a "new and improved V5 ULTIMATE 1:1" version comes out.
Pics of the new version of said watch are posted on the forum and improvements/set backs are discussed. The thread remains in the forum to be used as valuable information for someone who does their respective homework and tries to learn how good or bad a specific rep is.

My two cents.:maty:


Renowned Member
I started this thread 5 months ago and it's still active, that's a record for me! Thanks for all the input, those horrible "is it good enough, should I buy it posts?" after they'd already bought the watch without checking for accuracy first was something that was driving me crazy!


Mythical Poster
I started this thread 5 months ago and it's still active, that's a record for me!

Like a tragic yet somehow quite satisfying adverse reaction to Viagra, it must be fulfilling to see something you've created still going strong for such a long time!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I'm Pretty Popular
Good thread, and a topic that has raised many differing opinions across the fora. I for one love QC pics as I remember the time there were none and it was a bit of a lucky dip as to you'd receive.

...But I'm appalled at the amount of newbs that come onto forums and go "what is the best and who sells it?" and then it's, "I have ordered this, I have no clue what I'm looking at, please dissect it for me"....have they got no sense of where to find a search button or ability to do a bit of research, it's all there, may take a bit of time but it's all there. I just can't understand that concept...If I want a new tv or speakers or a laptop, I do endless amounts of research over weeks or even months to assess all the options, maybe not everyone is going to do that, but they could at least attempt a bit of it. It's almost a pleasure to see a newb go "well here are the qc pics, I've done all my research it looks good to me but I just want a 2nd pair of eyes to look it over" ....the thing is that is a rarity now.

I think we are in an era where too many new recruits have a completely unrealistic view of what to expect out of a watch that is 1/20 the price of the gen. They are all going to be disappointed unless they start finding the search buttons and start reading.


Horology Curious
I started this thread 5 months ago and it's still active, that's a record for me! Thanks for all the input, those horrible "is it good enough, should I buy it posts?" after they'd already bought the watch without checking for accuracy first was something that was driving me crazy!

I'm reading this with interest as a noob who recently approved some QC photos from a TD,

My thoughts obviously aren't so common - If you want perfection then buy the original piece,

if not, be appreciative of the engineering that gets you as close as possible for a small fraction of the original cost.

For example, I look at the QC photo and see that the regulator is really decorative only on a manual wind - no big deal, the general population can't tell. I still get a beautiful watch good enough for a 93% discount.

If this QC mis practice continues - it could ruin it for the rest of us.

My question is this - how do we make the policy up front and centre for new guys?
(Maybe a recommended read for new members or new orders?)


Mythical Poster
My question is this - how do we make the policy up front and centre for new guys?
(Maybe a recommended read for new members or new orders?)

This is now a sticky in the General Discussion section. I bumped this thread at the same time, since it's so pertinent. So hopefully word gets around.

@plymman: actually, it's a complete coincidence that I came across this thread. I was looking for something else altogether, and happened to stumble across this. When I realized that it mirrored the discussion we were having in admin, and that most members appeared to understand the issue already, I bumped it, feeling that this was the type of info that many needed to read.

So thanks for having started this thread on a timely topic!


yea i agree with you. i feel like it has gone too far. but what can you do? i'm not going to start crapping on QC pic threads. it seems as quality and out of the box accuracy has improved (and price) people want more. basing this on what i have read and on some pics the more experienced have posted. i personally would not post QC pics.

+1 Well said, slimslim! Members need to take more responsibility for their purchases through remembering these are REPS and will inherently have some flaws. Serious flaws, such as stated earlier should be our concerns. This is where it's important to buy the dealer before buying the watch. Just my .02.



Active Member
QC can have another effect.

I recently posted QC pics of a watch I ordered (and is hopefully in my mailbox in the next few days) My post was generally in line with what the policy is here, though I never read that policy (oh well.) I did not see any glaring flaws, nor did anyone who responded. That is however, NOT the point here.

THIS is the point:
3 people PM'd me asking where I got the watch. They were interested in buying after seeing those pics. If that turned into additional sales great. You might note, I did not post the dealer in the QC pic thread, no point, was not asking for oppinions of the dealer, just the watch.


I'm Pretty Popular
QC pics are important......its like buying a car...would you buy something without seeing or test driving?

yes i understand we are buying reps...but at the same time we are also buying an "item"...regardless of what it is...would you want this item to have flaws that could be avoided? Its an even BIGGER pain to have to send back your watch and get a new one.

plus the QC pics are part of customer service....and thanks to 1 dealer starting it, forcing other dealers to do the same...its become part of the shopping experience. When I was shopping for my Super Avenger, i specifically told the dealer THIS is the watch i want, I wanted the V2 as opposed to V3....I knew he would mix it up so I sent him a link of the watch from his own site!.......low and behold...the QC pic came in as a V3 model. so i told him, that is incorrect, and i sent the V2 picture again............once more he sent me a QC picture of a V3!!!! it took 2 tries for him to tell me V2 was sold out.

Had i not seen the QC pics, it would have been about 2 months of shipping back and fourth only to find out the watch doesnt even exist.

I think stopping QC pics will cause more damage to the dealer than what they complain about now


Mythical Poster
I think stopping QC pics will cause more damage to the dealer than what they complain about now

I'm afraid that you've misunderstood the purpose of this thread.

No one is arguing that we should put a stop to QC pics. In fact, I think that we can all agree that QC pics have been a definite improvement in dealer services. What we are trying to curtail are those folks who throw up a set of QC pics in the open forum and then invite everyone to share their opinions on every single flaw they can come up with. This has never been the purpose of those pics, and the end result could be that the dealers stop sending them, which would be, as you point out, a disservice to everyone.

3 people PM'd me asking where I got the watch. They were interested in buying after seeing those pics. If that turned into additional sales great.

And this is part of the reason why we're not outright banning the posting of QC pics. There are instances when it's appropriate and beneficial to everyone. But we need people to start using good judgment on when they should be posted.


Renowned Member
QC pics are important......its like buying a car...would you buy something without seeing or test driving?

There's a big difference between a car and a fake watch. To get even one photo just to confirm it's the model you ordered is outstanding service, let alone multiple angles, timeographer readings etc.. I have spent thousands online with reputable retailers for photography kit and guitars, yet if I had ever asked them to send me a QC photo of it before they sent it to me they would think I was mad!

QC pics are simply unheard of outside of the rep world. Its a huge time hog for TD's yet we get them on even a $100 21j junker!


You're Saying I Can Sell?
QC pics are simply unheard of outside of the rep world. Its a huge time hog for TD's yet we get them on even a $100 21j junker!

thats because QC actually exists for real products.

the rep world is a factory pumping out as much as it can as fast as it can.

if the factory doesnt QC then it forces the dealers to.

basically it is what it is. QC is time and money. if the factories did it, the dealers would pay a higher price for the product. if the dealers take the time for QC, then they earn that extra price that we pay.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
all that being said. i'm a noob still. i've been reading everyday for about a month now. literally. i'm just now getting ready to pull the trigger on my first rep purchase but i still have a lot to learn.

i do see both sides of this and we as a community need to work together with our trusted dealers like others have stated. being realistic about everything.

personally, i would like to post my QC pics when i order so that i can get veteran feedback and wisdom. i am not an unrealistic person thinking he is getting a gen for a rep price. but i do want whats supposed to be advertised and i'd be very appreciative for feedback to help confirm everything i'd be looking at. even with a lot of hours of research that i continue to commit to, i still have so much to learn. what if i didnt post the QC pics and refused a watch because i saw a flaw that was normal and common - a veteran could have chimed in to confirm that its as it should be and help the transaction.

i'm not a customer looking to cause problems or cost any dealer money if its un-necessary - its clearly a hassle for both of us. i want the high quality trusted dealers to make profit so they can offer us the best service overall. and i'm willing to pay a trusted dealer that provides the best service more money for the same product.


I'm Pretty Popular
You need to first read threads about the specific watch you are buying so you know it's out of the box faults. But, QC is more for stuff like:

That is not the watch I ordered.

The bezel doesn't line up at 12.

The cyclops doesn't line up over the date wheel.

The hands are red - they should be silver!

The dial says FOLEX not Rolex.

The dial is blue, I wanted black.

Just compare your QC pics to the gen and maybe other pics already posted in the forums. Check every marker, hand, every number on the bezel, etc. If it all checks out, then you are good to go.

QC pics are not for:

I don't like the rehaut on that rep (unless it is different from what you are ordering)

The crown guards don't look like gen

The font on the dial isn't close enough to gen

The crown looks larger than gen

Also, it's better to post ahead of time in the correct forum saying, I'm going to buy this rep, what are the typical flaws, what can I expect, how close to gen is it, etc. Then you are educated before you make your order and can know what to expect. (And you might be able to answer all those questions with a search.)


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
Good answer ajs, rep points given.