Moral of this whole story [for me anyway] is that:
Logic usually wins out over emotion.
Being understanding of others and giving positive, true feedback and criticizing constructively when necessary is always better than responding with negativity, condescension and other negative character traits that are not so common around here..
And Andrew at Trustytime is the man! [Dont know how he pulled this one out, but I’m thankful and grateful]
With all the shit... I mean stuff... going on in our world Hate is the last state of being we should put into our universe/reality or even simulation as some are so inclined to think... and I was certainly guilty of this today and for that I can make my own amends, apologize to those in the group to whom offense was taken and move on. Hate and vitriol are certainly not traits I want to pass on to my kids and I think the majority of you guys who have interacted with me before just know I’m here to learn and gain understanding about this hobby and I mean no one harm or carry any ill-will towards anyone..
so.. yeah! In the end My watch looks great and I learned something along the way...