For some a few hundred or a couple thousand dollars is alot of money for them to spend on a rep watch and they can get nervous if they are used to Amazon’s same day or next day delivery. If you don’t like a post, I would just ignore them and move on. It seems too many problem jump on the bandwagon and ridicule these poor saps who place an order and delays happen. Usually in my short time here and reading the posts, it seems the new rookies (not always but a majority) are the ones worried the most.
Point 1 is correct: a few hundred or thousand euros is a lot of money.
point 2; I will post on every post that I like. (If you don't want to hear negative comments, you can't post)
Point 3: If you are used to Amazon's delivery (and times), I would recommend ordering from Amazon. Get another hobby because the rep game isn't for you.
last point 4:
Read and inform yourself first so that you know what to expect and there are no rude awakenings.
ps. If a few hundred euros are too much, then please buy a Homage watch, as no one will believe that you can afford a luxury watch anyway.
I wish everyone a nice day