Pure Gold - post you FG watches here for our ogling pleasure
KJ2020 Time Traveler Supporter 12/3/18 36,373 74,560 113 31/3/24 #1,501 Reactions: connery77, Me10_UK, C Master and 2 others
KJ2020 Time Traveler Supporter 12/3/18 36,373 74,560 113 31/3/24 #1,502 Reactions: C Master, Nur-Uhr and APjumbo
Nur-Uhr Time Machine Patron Certified 20/2/17 4,028 7,438 113 EU 1/4/24 #1,503 Nice watch for Easter Holidays Reactions: EarlOfBacon, KJ2020 and C Master
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 5/4/24 #1,504 Reactions: KJ2020 and APjumbo
Nur-Uhr Time Machine Patron Certified 20/2/17 4,028 7,438 113 EU 12/4/24 #1,505 Reactions: Me10_UK, KJ2020 and C Master
Apocryphy Getting To Know The Place 2/3/21 55 203 33 13/4/24 #1,506 Reactions: KJ2020, Nur-Uhr and C Master
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 14/4/24 #1,507 Reactions: EarlOfBacon, KJ2020 and Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 15/4/24 #1,508 Reactions: Nur-Uhr, KJ2020 and APjumbo
KJ2020 Time Traveler Supporter 12/3/18 36,373 74,560 113 15/4/24 #1,509 Reactions: C Master and Nur-Uhr
Nur-Uhr Time Machine Patron Certified 20/2/17 4,028 7,438 113 EU 18/4/24 #1,510 Reactions: EarlOfBacon, C Master, Apocryphy and 1 other person
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 21/4/24 #1,511 Reactions: j-unit, Jamal1337 and Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 22/4/24 #1,512 Reactions: Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 25/4/24 #1,513 Reactions: Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 25/4/24 #1,514 Reactions: Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 26/4/24 #1,515 Reactions: Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 7/5/24 #1,516 Reactions: Nur-Uhr
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 13/5/24 #1,517
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 14/5/24 #1,518 Reactions: Me10_UK
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 14/5/24 #1,519
C Master General RWI Dogsbody Staff member Administrator Certified 7/10/15 76,400 129,990 113 Ireland 20/5/24 #1,520