Getting To Know The Place
- 14/9/21
- 75
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my educated guess is that about 10,000 packages are shipped directly from China to Germany every month. People buy all kind of sh*t directly from China, much from Aliexpress and similar sources. I very much doubt that the Krauts destroy 5,000 packages per month. We have no data, but if and only if an estimated 10 or 20 watches get caught per month, that's a non-event, a so-called nothing-burger. I've ordered directly from China. I've ordered from Italy, the UK, Australia, Greece, and I shipped my replicas just for service from the US to Italy and back, and never had a problem where customs wanted to look inside. I know the Krauts are different from normal people, but it's a bit too early to panic yet, yes?
I don’t know but if 2 people from same country get watches confiscated exactly when you made an purchase, doesn’t bring a lot of confidence.
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