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pf78 downsizing Certified 23/6/17 1,501 4,159 113 5/12/22 #3,481 Reactions: Jarken, Opawlows85 and 369mafia
zelor75 Active Member Supporter Certified 20/5/16 353 132 43 21/12/22 #3,484 Reactions: Menyphazes and johnlogan
Woundup YNWA Patron Certified 9/12/18 2,571 10,798 113 22/12/22 #3,485 Reactions: restandrelaxation, connery77 and MattSP
pf78 downsizing Certified 23/6/17 1,501 4,159 113 16/1/23 #3,487 Reactions: Jarken, connery77 and MattSP
mordret Renowned Member Supporter Certified 17/4/17 780 1,054 93 Austria 27/1/23 #3,489 Reactions: Jarken, ariffza, domiffm and 1 other person
C connery77 I'm Pretty Popular Patron Certified 16/8/11 1,957 556 113 28/1/23 #3,490 Reactions: Jarken, domiffm, 369mafia and 1 other person
johnlogan Legendary Member Certified 18/12/15 10,091 15,569 113 28/1/23 #3,491 Reactions: Jarken and domiffm
domiffm handsome Patron Certified 28/4/15 5,928 17,100 113 Germany 4/2/23 #3,492 Reactions: johnlogan
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,826 7,486 113 Canada 9/2/23 #3,493 Reactions: Jarken
johnlogan Legendary Member Certified 18/12/15 10,091 15,569 113 10/2/23 #3,494 Reactions: Jarken and Nickyan
1016 lover Renowned Member 4/10/22 538 939 93 10/2/23 #3,495 ugalord said: Back home from service Click to expand... Is it the gen one? If a it's a rep, well done, any idea to source the handset?
ugalord said: Back home from service Click to expand... Is it the gen one? If a it's a rep, well done, any idea to source the handset?
Avanti76 Known Member 16/2/19 127 220 43 19/2/23 #3,496 BB contemplating Hometown Reactions: Jarken and 369mafia
Nickyan Active Member 29/1/23 375 440 63 Germany 19/2/23 #3,497 Reactions: Avanti76, chentepilot and 369mafia
369mafia Resident Explorer Expert Patron Certified 7/7/15 3,826 7,486 113 Canada 19/2/23 #3,498 Reactions: Nickyan
JayBee0815 Repoholics Anonymous Patron Certified 20/1/21 9,883 32,164 113 Heart of Europe 8/3/23 #3,500 Reactions: Orev, chentepilot, johnlogan and 1 other person