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PO "ultimate". Disappointing case back


Active Member
What a disappointment! :( I ordered my ultimate PO im early March and -indeed- I had to pay for. I received an order confirmation and a little later I received I message that the dealer would be out until late April (some of you might know who... 8) )

Finally -two months after payment - I recieved the watch. ETA 2824 is okay, mvt. is running well. But the pearl is slightly sunken (which can be fixed) and -that is truly disappointing- the case back doesn't show a polished texture but looks rough and matt grey. I wrote an email to the seller and guess what he replied: Other case back not available. Yes, i am speechless. The pics on his website clearly show the correct case back.

Probably a kind member could help me out with a case back which fits the "ultimate" PO (45mm)? Furthermore I would apprciate it if you could help me out with a better bezel. As far as I can see the pearl is part of the bezel ring and not of the insert!

Here are some pics of the rough case back which isnÄt ultimate :evil:



Active Member
monty77 said:
That case back looks just like my UPO one ...

I am missing the textured background. Mine is just grey and rough. The pics of the sellers show that nice polished texture...


Known Member
It looks like it does not have any texture at all. If it has, you can try to polish it. Just name the dealer so that everyone can beware. But first try to work it out with the dealer first.


Active Member
rangers158 said:
It looks like it does not have any texture at all. If it has, you can try to polish it. Just name the dealer so that everyone can beware. But first try to work it out with the dealer first.

Yes, that what I used to do first. I don't want to treat any one in a bad manner. But as I can see from the seller's reply I can't await a better case back as a spare.

I'll give him a further try.


I'm Pretty Popular
Not really sure what you are talking about on the caseback (can't view your pics at the office). However, there is very limited polishing on the caseback, the seamonster and lettering, and the very outer edge, are about it. The background of the seamonster is a textured pattern, and the surrounding area that says "Planet Ocean" is brushed. I just picked up the 2007 catalogue, and a full page pic of the caseback looks exactly like my rep.


Active Member
andreww said:
The background of the seamonster is a textured pattern,

That's what I tried to point out: There is no textured pattern it is just a plain matt grey area.


Renowned Member
Hrm... just took my UPO off and had a look at my caseback vs. yours... My watch is of the first batch of UPO's that were sold.

The case back on mine has a "checkered" apperance (sorry... i'm a gunsmith, I'm guessing horologists have different term). It appears to be about 220-250 LPI (lines per inch). The case back you show appears to be just a matte finished smooth surface around the seamonster? If that is the case, then the UPO is no longer worthy of the "U".

Kind of a shame... I've got a Pumpkin 4th gen 42mm and a Pumpkin 45mmUPO... was thinking of getting the black bezel/orange dial UPO shortly... perhaps I'll hold out for a used sample now.
It appears that corners have been cut and the UPO is no longer as Ultimate as it once was. :evil:


Active Member
OiRogers said:
If that is the case, then the UPO is no longer worthy of the "U".

Kind of a shame...
It appears that corners have been cut and the UPO is no longer as Ultimate as it once was. :evil:

Unfortunately it seems so :( mmmh, makes me remembering the "white lies" threads....


OG member in the Lou
St. Louis
Shame its not a 42mm I have a textured back for the smaller version I would give you.


Active Member
coop said:
Shame its not a 42mm I have a textured back for the smaller version I would give you.

coop: Much appreciated, thanks a lot!


Renowned Member
shultz said:
OiRogers said:
If that is the case, then the UPO is no longer worthy of the "U".

Kind of a shame...
It appears that corners have been cut and the UPO is no longer as Ultimate as it once was. :evil:

Unfortunately it seems so :( mmmh, makes me remembering the "white lies" threads....

I don't know if I'd go as far as equating this with the blatant out and out lies that brought about the "white lies" thread. But I do wish that the dealers would update their list photos as the stock changes. It seems that this is another iteration of the 45mm PO... would this be version 6.1a? I would not envy the poor sap tasked with updating photos on their sites as stock rotates though... that would be a full time job alone me thinks.
I would consider this to be a definate disapointment though considering it is a step backwards in quality from what is advertised.
I've been lucky to recieve a few watches from several dealers that have had improvements and upgrades over the listing... seems like the entire business of rep collecting is a roll of the dice... sometimes you win, sometimes you get a "UPO" with a cut-corner caseback.
All being said and considered though, I must say the dealers (even those targeted in that "white lies" thread) have never done me wrong. When issues (mostly minor but a major issue or two) has appeared in my dealings, they've always made good in one way or the other... I cross my fingers that this issue will be resolved for you quickly and to your satisfaction.

Is your PO the "asian copy" or the Swiss 2824? I'd hate to think that the "asian copy" movement version has a nicer caseback than the Swiss version. A friend of mine picked up the 130$ version about a week ago and its externally identical to my Swiss version.


Active Member
@ OiRogers

Yes, you are right: My "white lies" argument is going a bit too far referring to my PO. Indeed, the dealers should update their photos periodically. By now especially "my" dealer should show that UPO reloaded, or UPO 6.125 or whatever version

In my case (literally :D ) the case back of an early -really ultimate- PO is shown while the case back of my (current) "UPO" isn't done that well.

I received a big feedback here and via pm and it is interesting that a few members took a closer look to their UPO case backs and are understanding what I am talking about: Their case backs seem to be identically to mine: matt grey. But comparing to early UPOs (reps! NOT gens!) now it seems to be common that the area around the seemonster has to a textured pattern which is sligthly polished.

Anyway: I have truly good news: A kind member will send me a couple of used 45mm case backs. I will see if one fits. That is a truly nice support from the forum and I want to thank you all for your efforts, comments and sharing your knowledge That's great! :D


Renowned Member
I just recieved a UPO "lite" today from Joshua...
The caseback is most assuradly different from the "1st gen" UPO. I'll have to see if I can get a good photo of em.
The case back on the newest "lite" (and I assume same on the ETA) has much much finer "checkering" and the "Seamaster" on the caseback and Horsey are different.
Am I unhappy? nope. Is it different? Yep. I do wish that the dealers would update their pics to reflect current stock though... would have nipped any complaints in the bud.

off to try to photograph the difference in the two casebacks.


Renowned Member

ETA 45mm UPO ("1st Gen UPO") recieved around December 06

UPO Lite recieved today... much finer checkering and different "seamaster" font (much thinner)

Side by side... older, more correct on left.

Some crappy shots of the "1st gen" UPO ETA and the newer cut corner Lite casebacks... if you have a fast internet connection look at the full size shots... its somewhat plain the difference. Side by side in person is a big difference.

On a very positive note... the Lite is Water-resistant to swimming depths... got it today, tightened the crowns and caseback... (no silicon yet) and took it swimming... Trial by water as it were. Passed with flying colors.

Excuse the pictures... dang camera has too many settings/options... the wife is the photographer in the family... I just have the ability to pick up heavy stuff.

@OP... does your UPO have any checkering at all? or is it just a "matte" unpolished finish?
My newest UPO "Lite" has very fine checkering and a different font on the seamaster and Omega symbal.

Externally, overall the UPO of old (5 monthes ago) and the newest "Ultimate" PO are externally identical except the case back... Mine is ETA vs the Asian Copy.
Time will tell how well the Asian Copy of the "lite" holds up...


Known Member
I am wanting to get an ultimate planet ocean, but I am worried that I will get the incorrect case back. This would be my first rep purchase, (though I have been communicating with BK for a rolex and WBK for an omega). Does anyone know where I can definetly get one with a correct caseback. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this, but I did not want to start a new post.Oh, I am wanting the orange Bezel ss one but will consider others.
Thanks for all the wonderful information on these boards.


Renowned Member
@ HLB96...

best advice I can give is ask the dealers specifically the question about the casebacks, or keep an eye on the "for sale" section... great deals to be had there....

And I must say when I compare my two UPOs (one ETA older... and the newer UPO with Lite movement and "different" caseback) the casebacks aren't tooo visually far off. Different? Yes, without a doubt. As easy a tell as the older gen 45mm POs? No where near... From looking at an older thread on another forum, side by side photos of the UPO and a Gen 45mm PO the older caseback is *more* correct, but I'd be hard pressed to believe that someone without serious Omega knowledge would be able/willing to call *rep* on the newer caseback alone. My newer UPO does have checkering on the caseback itself... the way the OP wrote his is just Matte finished with no Checkering at all... if that is so, that is a huge step backwards in quality. If his has the very fine checkering like my UPO lite shows, it is a small step back and other issues will be bigger tells... wierd pearls, wrong beat rate (28.8k of the rep vs 25.6k of the bi-axial Gen) etc....