subseeker said:
No car's going to cover up your "youth :wink:
Please don't be offended, but a nice "subdued" sedan (AWD or FWD) will do the magic.
I don't think you will impress investors/important people with you (being early 20s) driving luxury "preowned" sport coupes.
six ...
you have some great potential with your academic degree ... your car choices are excellent however if i am a potential investor unless you have an impeccable pedigree, academic and extablished excellence in your field that is proven and you meet me sporting your rolex and driving a flash car ... going to have some hesitance (given the econmic times) to justify having my company invest in dollars to fund you.
your academic training is scientific and logical so be practical. a cardiac surgeon has the potential to make $$$ but an individual just out of medical school, just passing his boards is at least $300K in the hole there is not one medical manufacturing firm that fund any research projects without that surgeon being FACS, MD Ph.D and recognized as an authority in his field of medicine
but you might be an exception ...
oh your comment about the car salesman that was being a dick to you because you were young and he lost his sizeable commission ... if i was him i'd pass too not all of us "can get what we want when we want it and should get what we want when we want it" but your mom was right for you up grade your car to fit your immediate and post academic position
best in your search ... :wink: