The lug size on this watch is 24mm - so you can get 24/24 or 24/22. You can have a deployant on any PAM watch as the watch itself does not dictate the type of clasp needed. If you want a deployant you need to make sure that the strap you order is made for a deployant clasp. These straps will taper in width so that the long end will fit through the deployant. Also the strap will have a different cut out where the clasp/deployant will connect. For tang clasps, the cut out is regular and smaller, for deployants the cutout is wider.
For example: See the two images below, the first is for a tang clasp, note the size of the cutout that fits the clasp tongue, the second picture is for deployant, again note the size is different) also the thickness will usually taper to 2mm. You have to make sure your strap is designated for deployant if you intend to wear it with one.